Fabaceae, Juglandaceae, Moraceae, & Cercidiphyllaceae Flashcards
30ft. leaf; 5in, heart shaped fruit: pod green/purple-brown, yellow in fall. bark: brown & red. branches develop in zigzag. pests: canker, fungal, leaf spot, leaf cutters,
Cercis canadensis
white mulberry
Morus alba
75-100ft. leaf:
Alternate pinnately compound up to 2 ft. up to 23 lanceolate leaflets with a serrate margin. buds: pubescent. pest: misletoe
Juglans nigra
black walnut
70 ft. fruit: 7-10 fat brown pod.
Leaf: The very large (up to 3 feetlong and 2 feet wide) bipinnately compound leaves may have more
than 100 leaflets. fall=yellow. bark: raised diamond pattern, spongy dark red core. No serious pests. Urban, dry, compacted soil tolerant.
Gymnocladus dioica
Kentucky coffeetree
40-80ft. fruit: 18in red/brown pod. curly. leaf: alternate, pinnatly/bipinnately compound, 6-8in with 20-30 leaflets with shallow teeth & wavey margin. yellow in fall, drop early. pests: mimosa web worm, scale, borer, canker.
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis
thornless honey locust
up to 100ft. leaf: Alternately, pinnately compound 11-17 lanceolate leaflets. Leaves 20in.
Carya illinoinensis
30-50ft. Flowers in may. white pea like. fruit: pendulous. thin papery light brown 3in pods.
Leaf: Pinnately compound, leaflets alternate on rachis, up to 1 foot long, with seven to 11 leaflets up to 4in. yellow in fall. barl: thin light grey.
Cladrastis kentukea
china. 30ft. flower: white, pea like, upturned racemes, june/july. fruit: 2in pod. leaf: 8-10 in leaves are
alternate, compound, 7-10 leaflets which are opposite on the rachis. Bark: copper/red color. diamond shaped lenticels. urban tolerant.
Maackia amurensis
Amur maackia
Europe. 6ft round shrub. green photosynthesizing stems. Flowers: bicolor: yellow and white. pea-like. May. fruit: 1in hairy pods. leaf: upper leaves are single, small & appressed to stem. Lower leaves are trifoliates.
Cytisus scoparius
Scotch broom
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
China. 30ft. multistemmed, flat crown. flower: pink bloom in June. Fruit: 5-7in flat papery green-brown pod. leaf: alternate, bipinnately compound leaves with many small leaflets. Leaflets asymmetric w/ midrib on one side. pests: mimosa webworm, wilt.
Albizia julibrissen
Osage orange
Maclura pomifera
50-80ft. bark: grey & brown, deep furrows. flowers: fragrant, white cluster. fruit: 2-4in khaki, 2 pods. leaf: alternate, pinnately compound,ovate, up to 19 blue/green leaflets. Leaflets areopposite/sub-opposite on the rachis. Stem: 2 spines surrounding petiole. Pest: leafminer,
Robinia pseudoacacia
black locust
Japan. vigorous vine. 70ft. climb clockwise. flower: Showy purple or white pea-like, pendulous racemes, over 2ft. fruits: 4in velvety green-brown. leaf: alternate, pinnately compound. up to
19 elliptic leaflets opposite on the rachis.
Wisteria floribunda
Japanese wisteria
China. 50-75ft. flower: creamy white, fragrant. july/august. Fruit: green 8in pods, constricted around fruit. leaf: Alternate, pinnately compound leaves with up to 17 leaflets. Leaflets are opposite on the rachis. petiole swollen at node.
Styphnolobium japonicum
Japanese pagodatree