Betulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Vitaceae, Iteaceae, & Hydrangeaceae Flashcards
Ornamental medium(40-50ft). suseptable to Bronze birch borer & leaf miner. pendulous branches. male catkin 3in, thick. female, short skinny catkin. leaf: Alternate, simple, diamond shaped. 3in with tapering tip. double serrate. dark green, yellow in fall.
Betula pendula
European White Birch
20-30ft. catkins in april. fruit: nutlet on red/yellow bract on pendulous catkin. mature in october. buds: shorter and straighter than C. betulus(no fluted bark either). leaf: alternate, simple, double serrate. 5in. yellow/red/orange in fall.
Carpinus caroliniana
American Hornbeam
japan. small shrub 4ft. white flowers with 5 petals in spring. fruit: round brown dihiscent capsule. leaf: opposite. simple. lanceolate. 3in.
Deutzia gracilis
Slender deutzia
slow growing. 15ft. Jap. Beetle pest. contorted branches & leaves. flower in february. female has red styles. male catkin. leaf: alternate, simple, ovate. serrate margin.
Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’
Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick
6-10ft. white flowers june-july. pyrimidal panicle. sepals pink to brown stay on all winter. leaf:opposite. serrate. oak leaf.
Hydrangea quercifolia
Oakleaf Hydrangea
small shrub 5ft. ky native. suckering root system. small white flowers in larger clusters in June. leaf: opposite, simple, eliptical. serrate 8in.
Hydrangea arborescens
Smooth Hydrangea
asia. shrub or small tree. 20 ft. flower: white to pink pyrimidal. june-september. leaf: opposite, simple, elliptic. whorlled. 6in. small serrate teeth towards tip. no fall color.
Hydrangea paniculata
Panicle Hydrangea
japan native. small rounded shrub 6 ft. mostly unbranched stems. flowers: green then blue/pink/white in late june. leaf: simple, ovate, opposite. 8in. serrate. dark green. no fall color.
Hydrangea macrophylla
Bigleaf Hydrangea
1,200 sp./hybrids. woody climber.
Clematis x sp.
Hybrid Clematis
medium-sized (60ft). diciduous. Europe/asia. Likes to be near water. brown 4in catkin. female flower is brown, egg shaped. fruit: winged nutlet born on dried pinecone like catkin. Leaf: alternate, simple. obcordate, double serrate.
Alnus glutinosa
European Black Alder
more common than P. quinquefolia. Asia native. also has pads at ends of tendrils. Climb up to 50ft. small green/white flower. blue berry cluster. leaf: alternate, simple, 3-5 lobes. Red in fall.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Boston Ivy
40-60ft (larger than Am. hornbeam). Prunes well. versitile environment. small nutlet l base of a two or three-lobed bract. Paired fruits in pendulous clusters. buds: curve toward stem. bark: when mature, fluted & muscled looking. Leaf: alternate, simple, 5in. tip is abruptly pointy. double serrate. rigid veins. bronze/yellow in fall.
Carpinus betulus
European Hornbeam
diciduous rapidly growing vine can climb up to 50 ft. related to grapes. Japanese beetle. flower:small green/white in cluster in June. Fruit: berry, green - dark blue. leaf: Alternate, palmately compound. 5 leaflets on each leaf. coursely serrate. purple/red in fall. tendrils: adhesive cups to attach to wall. does not destroy morter.
Parthenosiccus quinquefolia
Virginia Creeper
shrub 10ft. white fragrant flower 4 petals. fruit: round brown dihiscent capsule with 4 valves. opposite, simple, ovate to oblong. 4in. dentate/serrate.
Philadelphus coronarius
Sweet Mockorange
Medium(40-70ft). KY Native. likes to be near water. peeling white bark. male catkins. smaller, rounder female catkins with stigma between scales. small winged nutlet on catkins. leaf: deltoid to rombic, double serrate. 4in long. yellow in fall, but drop quickly.
River Birch