FAA Regs Flashcards
A person must hold a first class medical certificate to serve as a pilot with MFI upon reaching the 60th birthday? True or False
You can take a practical test in an aircraft for your ATP certificate while holding only a current third class medical. True/false
A state driver’s license is not valid to be used as the required “photo ID” for required pilot flight crewmembers. True/False
A person may log instrument time anytime while operating an aircraft under an IFR flight plan. True/False
A person may obtain an SIC type rating if they have successfully completed their 125.287 competency check. True/False
A pilot is not required to comply with 61.57 paragraph b “Night takeoff and landing experience,” if they are employed by and engaged in flight operations of a part 125 certificate holder and are in compliance with 125.281 & 125.285. True/False
How frequently must SIC’s complete their competency check?
Every 12 months (125.287)
True/False: A pilot that deviates from any reg must only submit a report if requested by the FAA.
What must the PIC do if unairworthy mechanical, electrical, or structural conditions occur in flight?
Discontinue flight
What information is the PIC required to be familiar with before an IFR flight?
- Weather reports/forecasts
- Fuel requirements
- Alternatives available if planned flight cannot be completed
- Known traffic delays
- Takeoff and landing distance
- Aircraft performance information
Class B VFR weather minimums
3 SM
Clear of clouds
Class C VFR weather minimums
3 SM
500’ below
1,000’ above
2,000’ horizontal
Class D VFR weather minimums
3 SM
500’ below
1,000’ above
2,000’ horizontal
Class E VFR weather minimums (less than 10,000 MSL)
500’ below
1,000’ above
2,000’ horizontal
Class E VFR weather minimums (at or above 10,000 MSL)
5 SM
1,000’ below
1,000’ above
1 SM horizontal
Class G VFR weather minimums (more than 1,200’ above surface but less than 10,000’ MSL)
(Day) 1SM
500’ below
1,000’ above
2,000’ horizontal
(Night) 3 SM
500’ below
1,000’ above
2,000’ horizontal
Class G VFR weather minimums (1,200’ above surface or less)
(Day) 1SM
Clear of clouds
(Night) 3SM
500’ above
1,000’ below
2,000’ horizontal
Class G VFR weather minimums (more than 1,200’ above the surface and at or above 10,000 MSL)
5 SM
1,000’ below
1,000’ above
1 SM horizontal
What equipment must a turbine powered airplane with 6 or more passenger seats have on it?
Terrain awareness and warning system
Where is ADS-B required?
- Within 30 NM of Class B and C from surface upward to 10,000’
- Class E at and above 10,000 excluding airspace 2,500’ above the surface
- Class E at and above 3,000’ MSL over the Gulf of Mexico from the coastline of the US out to 12 NM
How often must an aircraft’s static pressure system, altimeter instruments, and auto pressure altitude reporting system be inspected?
Every 24 calendar months
When is a flight attendant required?
Flights with more than 19 passengers
Under part 125, if a pilot crew member’s recency of experience has lapsed what must be accomplished to reestablish currency?
Flight with check airman with three unassisted takeoffs and landings including:
- At least one takeoff made with similated failure of critical engine
- At least one landing must be made from an ILS approach to the lowest ILS minimums authorized by MFI
- At least one landing to complete stop
Can an IPC be substituted for the competency check required by 125.287?
Yes (must be in same type of airplane)
What items must be included in a passenger briefing?
- Smoking
- Safety belts
- Placement of seatbacks before takeoffs and landings
- Passenger doors and emergency exits
- Survival equipment
- Fire extinguishers