FA - Obstetrics Flashcards
Prenatal diagnostic testing during initial visit:
-Heme: CBC
First trimester screening:
PAPP-A, NT, beta-hCG then consider need for CVS
Prenatal diagnostic testing b/n 15-22wks:
msAFP or quad screen (AFP, estriol, hCG, inhibin A) then consider need for amniocentesis
Prenatal diagnostic testing b/n 18-20wks:
U/S for full amniotic screen
Prenatal diagnostic testing b/n 24-28wks:
1hr GTT for gestational diabetes screen
Prenatal diagnostic testing b/n 28-30wks then w/in 72hrs PP:
RhoGAM for Rh (D) antigen neg, Rh (D) antibody negative, Rh (D) antigen positive father or unknown
Prenatal diagnostic testing b/n 35-37wks:
GBS culture; repeat CBC
Elevated msAFP (>2.5 MoMs) associated with:
- Open NTD (e.g. ancephaly, spina bifida)
- Abdominal wall defects (gastrochisis, omphalocele)
- Multiple gestation
- Incorrect gestational dating (t/f ALWAYS r/o FIRST with u/s)
- Fetal death
- Placental abnormalities
Reduced msAFP
- Trisomy 21 and 18
- Fetal demise
- Incorrect gestational dating
Quad screening markers for Trisomy 18:
“Still UNDERage at 18” t/f:
- Low AFP
- Low estriol
- Low hCG
- Low Inhibin A
Quad screening markers for Trisomy 21:
“2up and 2 down”
- Low AFP
- Low estriol
- High hCG
- High Inhibin A
Use of amniocentesis > 16 wks?
Use of amniocentesis > 24 wks?
Anemic status of fetus
Use of amniocentesis > 36 wks?
L:S ratio to determine need for steroids b4 delivery (evaluate fetal lung maturity)