FA Flashcards
which organs have insulin independent uptake of glucose?
this is going to be your GLUT 1 and GLUT 2;
Thus, Brain, RBC, intestines, Cornea, and Kidneys, Liver, and beta pancreatic cells
How is insulin synthesized?
pre insulin in ER is packaged in to Proinsulin granules. Cleaved within granules and all content are released (insulin and C peptide)
what is the process that triggers insulin release?
Glucose comes in through GLUT 2–> generation of ATP–>out flowing K channels are closed–>cell depolarizes–>inflow of calcium channels through voltage gated channels–> exocytosis of granules
which GLUT should you think of as strictly regulated by Insulin’s presence?
GLUT 4–> muscle/ fat
vertical trasmission bugs
Toxoplasma, Other (Parvovirus, varicella), Rubella, CMV, Herpes, Syphilis
Blue berry muffin rash can be seen in which 2 congenital infections?
Rubella, CMV
Paraventricular calcifications in infant
CMV infection
CD4 <50 disposed to what infections?
cryptosporidium causes what?
what are the acid fast organisms
TB, leprosy, nocardia, cryptosporidium
Leishmaniasis treatment
Stibogluconate; amphotericin B
swiss cheese on head CT/MRI
neurocysticercosis due to taenia
egg shell calcification in liver
hydatid cyst due to echinococcus granulosus
which antibiotic has vitamin K def
Cephalosporin treats what?
Proteus, e. coli, Kebsiella
first gen. Cephalosporin treats what?
Proteus, e. coli, Kebsiella
which are the first generation of cephalosphorins?
CefazoLIN, CefaLEXin
first gen. Cephalosporin treats what?
Proteus, e. coli, Kebsiella (PECK)
Second gen cephalosporin treats what?
HEN PECKS haemophilus Enterbacter neisseria proteus e. coli klebsiella serratia
which are the second gen cephalosporin drugs?
2 make her happy–> ceFAClor, CeFOXitin, CeFURoxime
lacy rash sparing face
Sixth disease. what’s it called? what virus? what are symptoms? treatment?
Roseola. HHSV6. fever lasting for 4 days, possible febrile seizure, then lacy rash once fever is gone. Self limiting thus supportive treatment
HHSV6 infects what cells?
Sixth disease. what’s it called? what virus? what are symptoms? treatment?
Roseola. HHV6. fever lasting for 4 days, possible febrile seizure, then lacy rash once fever is gone. Self limiting thus supportive treatment
HHV6 infects what cells?
HHV8 is what? what does it up regulate?
Kaposi sarcoma; VEGF increase
violet lesions on hard palate
kaposi sarcoma
who’s susceptible to kaposi sarcoma?
AIDS/immunocompromised, old russian men, and african men
Kaposi sarcoma looks like Bacillary Angiomatosis. how do you know the difference?
one is a virus and one is a bacteria. Thus lymphocytic infiltrate vs neutrophilic infiltrate
what kind of cells do HHV8 infect?
B cells
CYP Inducers
Griseovulvin Carbamazepine Phenytoin Barbiturates Rifampin st. John's wort chronic acoholism
CYP inhibitors
Ciprofloxacin Ritonavir Acute alcohol use Cimetadine Ketoconazole Amiodarone Macrolides Isoniazid Grapefruit juice Omeprazole Sulfa
anion gap acidosis causes
Methanol Uremia DKA Propylene glycol Iron/Isoniazid Lactic acidosis Ethylene glycol Salicylate
no anion gap acidosis causes
Hyperalimentation Addisons Renal tubular acidosis Diarrhea Acetazolamide Spironolactone Saline infusion
Shifts K out of cell
Digitalis, Osmolarity, Lysis, Acidosis, and beta blockers
Shifts K into cell
what factors influence diffusion/flux?
Omeprazole inhibits which pump?
H/K cotransporter
what’s the difference between primary active transport and secondary active transport?
primary uses ATP and secondary uses other ions to drive transport actions.
osmolarity equation?
(number of particles)concentration
what does a reflection coefficient of 1 mean? what about 0?
1=impermeable (albumin); 0=completely permeable (urea)
Tetrototoxin blocks what channel?
Sodium channels
How does each of these affect conduction velocity:
Fiber size?
fiber size increase decreases resistance–>thus it will increase velocity.
Myelination insulates the fibers..thus it will increase velocity.
Hemicholinium mechanism?
inhibits Na/Ach symporter
Curare/curonium drugs mechanism?
competitive blockage Ach gated sodium channels of NMJs
which is the only Gram positive bacteria with LPS?
Listeria monocytogenes
Cereulide. what is it
toxin produced by bacillus ceres emetic type…. produces emesis in 1-5 hours post ingetion
IV drug user endocarditis. 2 ddx
staph arueus
candida albicans
Candida albicans… what does it look like at 20 degrees? 37 degrees?
Germ tube at 37; psuedohyphae in 20
treatment options for aspergillus?
voriconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin B
paranasal necrosis
aspergillosis in immunocompromised
black eschar on face
what organisms invade via cribiform plate?
Mucor and Naegleria fowleri
Ovoid yeast on methanamine silver stain?