F9 Governmental & Not-for-Profit Organizations Flashcards
How are transfers of operations measured?
Transfer of operations transactions are measured at their carrying value at the transfer date w/ possible recognition of impairment and no recognition of intangible assets such as goodwill;
- assets that are to be used are displayed at their carrying value
- assets that are held for disposal are subject to impairment
Is depreciation expense recorded in the F/S of a nonprofit organization?
Depr expense and accumulated depr are recorded.
When are donated services displayed as revenue and expense (or capital improvement) on the F/S of not-for-profit organizations? SOME
Donated services are recognized as revenue on the financial statements of not-for-profit organizations SOME of the time. Recognized donated services must meet the following criteria:
- Specialized skill was required to deliver the service and it was delivered by an individual possessing those skills;
- Otherwise needed service (would have been purchased by the organizations anyway);
- Measured Easily (the accurate valuation of the service is easy).
What is the format of the government-wide statement of activities?
The gov’t wide statement of activities is presented in a net cost format defined as follows:
- revenues separated into program revenues (SOC) and general revenues
- expenses are reduced by program revenues resulting in net (expense) revenues and changes in net position
- general revenues, extraordinary items, and special items are reported separately
- result is change in net position
List the types of interfund transactions
Reciprocal interfund activity;
- interfund loans
- interfund services provided and used
Nonreciprocal interfund activity:
- interfund transfers
- interfund reimbursements
How are donated materials accounted for?
Recorded as revenue at FV on date of receipt, if FV can be objectively determined.
Contributions of works of art, historical treasures, etc., need not be recognized as revenue if they are protected by the organization, held by the organization and, if sold, the proceeds of the sale are designated for the acquisitions of other works.
Name the classifications of the statement of cash flows for not-for-profit organizations.
- cash flows from operating activities
- cash flows from investing activities
- cash flows from financing activities
List the components of program revenues in the statement of activities: SOC
Service charges
Operating grants and contributions
Capital grants and contributions
Identify the four required elements in the statement of activities for not-for-profit organizations
- change in total net assets
- change in unrestricted net assets
- change in temporarily restricted net assets
- change in permanently restricted net assets
Define a primary government; SELF
Primary governments are usually represented by a general-purpose government such as a state, county, city or other jurisdiction that can stand by itSELF
Elected boards
Legally separate entity
Financial self-sufficient
Name the functional classification of expenses commonly used in not-for-profit organizations.
- program expenses
- support expenses
- fundraising expenses
- management and general
What is the definition of a governmental merger?
Governmental mergers are defined as the combination of legally separate entities w/out the exchange of significant considerations resulting in the elimination of an entity or entities and either the continuation of a single merged entity or the creation of a new government.
How are marketable securities reported?
All debt securities and those equity securities that have readily determinable fair values are measured at FV.
Name some of the significant potential reconciling items between changes in fund balance displayed on the statement of revenues expenditures and changes in fund balance in the governmental funds’ F/S and the change in net position displayed in the government-wide statement of activities.
Reconciling items may result from differences in measurement focus or basis of accounting (GOES BARE)
Governmental fund changes in fund balance +
Other financing sources (debt proceeds)
Expenditure - capital outlay (net of depreciation) principal payments on debt
Service (internal) fund change in net position may need to be added
Basis of accounting
Accrual differences resulting in revenues or expenses for
Revenue converted from modified to full accrual (e.g., accrual of earned tax revenues even though collected more than 60 days after year end)
Expenditures converted to expenses (e.g., accrual of interest expenses)
What is the appropriate reporting treatment of donated works of art and historical treasures held by a governmental organization?
Gov’ts may elect not to capitalize donated works of art if works are protected and displayed and proceeds from any future sales are going to be reinvested in other works.
The statement of cash flows is prepared for which funds? What are the sections of the statement of cash flows?
A statement of cash flows is prepared for proprietary funds
- cash flows from operating activities
- cash flows from noncapital financing activities
- cash flows from capital and related financing activities
- cash flows from investing activities
What are the recognition criteria for:
- cash contributions
- unconditional promises
- conditional promises
- multi-year pledges
Cash contributions: as revenues or gains in the period in which they are received, measures at FV at the date of gift
Unconditional promises (pledges): recorded at its FV when received
Conditional promises (pledges): recognition occurs when future event occurs (condition met)
What is a CAFR? What does it include?
CAFR: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Intro section - letter of transmittal - organizational chart - list of principal officers
Basic F/S and required supplementary info (GASB 34)
- MD & A
- Gov’t wide F/S
- fund F/S
- Notes to the F/S
- required supplementary information
Statistical section
State the reporting treatment of internal service funds.
Activities resulting from internal service funds are reported in proprietary funds and should be reported in the governmental activities column of the gov’t-wide F/S, unless the gov’ts enterprise funds are the primary recipient of internal service fund services.
How are pledges accounted for?
Unconditional promises to contribute in the future (pledges) are reported as restricted support (time restriction), at the present value of the estimated future cash flows using a discount rate commensurate w/ the risks involved.