F9: Governmental Accounting (Part B) Continued Flashcards
What 4 things should be included in the MDA?
1- Description of the financial statements
2- Identity of primary government and component units
3- Economic conditions and outlook
4- Major initiatives
Types of things in the description of the financial statements in MDA
- An easily readable analysis
- Condensed financial statement info
- Analysis of overall position and results of ops
- Analysis of balances and transactions of individual firms
- A description of the significant assumptions
What 2 statements are included in the set of government-wide financial statements?
1- Statement of Net Position
2- Statement of Activities
What focus and method of accounting is required for both statements?
- Economic resources measurement focus
- Full accrual basis of accounting
Statement of Net Position Format
= Net Position
Net Position is divided into what 3 components?
R- Restricted
U- Unrestricted
N- Net investment in capital assets
The term infrastructure assets refers to:
Streets, bridges, gutters, and other assets of the government
How are infrastructure assets reported?
As capital assets
2 approaches for recording capital assets
1- Required Approach
2- Modified Approach
Required approach definition
All capital assets are recorded and depreciated
Modified approach definition
- Infrastructure assets that are part of a network are not required to be depreciated
- Ongoing infrastructure expenditures are typically reported as expenses
Governments may use the modified approach IF they meet these two requirements:
1- Government’s asset management system meets certain conditions
2- Government documentation should include data on asset preservation
What conditions included in requirement one of the modified approach:
- Inventory is up-to-date
- Summarized condition assessment is done
- Each year, estimate is made of amount necessary to maintain and preserve the eligible infrastructure assets
What conditions included in requirement two of the modified approach:
- A complete condition assessment is done at least ever 3 years
- reasonable assurance
As a general rule, governments should _______ works of art, historical treasures and similar assets
Capitalize at historical cost or fair value at date of donation