F9 and 10 Flashcards
What are the 3 requirements for an Enterprise fund?
When fees support debt financed by pledged fees; laws and regulations require costs be defrayed by fees ( sewage/water) ; pricing policies require recovery cots with fees (amusement park)
What is the basic criteria for a reporting entity for govt unit? (5)
- Financial interdependency
- Selection of governing authority
- Designation of mgmt
- ability to sig influence operations
- accountability of fiscal matters
How are interfund transfers reported?
Other financing sources (uses)
What fund would be a govt unit not obligated in any manner for special assessment debt?
Custodial fund
At what value are donated capital assets recorded at?
Fair value when received
What is the “Unassigned Fund”
Residual classification of the general fund (amt not restricted, committed, or assigned within the general fund)
How do you classify a “major fund”?
fund is either:
1. 10% of Assets, Rev, or expense of Govt or Enterprise funds
2. 5% of combined reven/expense government AND Enterprise assets, revenues, and expenses
What fund is always treated as a major fund?
General Fund
How are interfund receivables and payables recorded?
As internal balances
How are pledges for future years recorded (I.e pledge not received till 3 years later)?
Pledge receivable with Donor restrictions of present value of pledge
What are billings for services provided to other govt units recorded as in the internal service fund?`
Operating revenues
When is a conditional pledge to a nongovt org rec as revenue?
NEVER until it becomes and unconditional pledge
What is included in a general fund’s encumbrance amt?
Only o/s purchase orders (obligation to spend)
What is the Je to set up an encumbrance,
reverse encumbrance
Actual expenditure
DR: Encumbrance
CR: Budgetary control
DR: Budgetary control
CR: Encumbrance (same amt)
DR: Expenditure
CR: Voucher payable/cash (actual)
If encumbrances is not closed at y/e –> what is the y/e entry?
DR: Budgetary control
CR: Encumbrance
DR: Unassigned fund balance
CR: Fund balance, committed
What is an appropriation
Budgetary account - represents approved spending
What are the characteristics of Special items?
Unusual and infrequent
Where are changes in values of derivatives used as investment classified?
As revenues
Where are changes in values of derivatives for hedging classified as? (forward contract)
Deferred inflow/outflows
What are the categories of govt fund balances? (NU CAR)
Nonspendable fund balance - CA that cant be spent (Prepaids, inven)
Unassigned Fund balance - residual of general fund (should be positive in general fund)
Committed - assets obligated by formal action of govt highest decision-making authority (encumbered appropriations). came in unrestricted but govt council committed for certain purpose
Assigned Fund Balance - assets that govt intends to obligate (designations)
Restricted - assets restricted by external authorities (legislation, grantors, creditors)
What F/S should show Net Position
Govt -wide
What is a Reciprocal interfund activity and how are they treated?
Include exchange type transactions between funds
2 types:
Interfund loans - transfers
Interfund services provided/used - sales/purch –> rev/expense
What is a nonreciprocal interfund activity and how are they treated?
Represents non-exchange transactions between funds.
2 Types:
1. Interfund transfers - flow of assets b/n funds w/o exchange of equivalent value –> other financing sources and uses after nonoperating rev/expenses
- Interfund reimbursement - pmts made on behalf of another fund. not displayed as interfund transactions
What are the general fund revenue sources?
Fees and fines
Shared or grant rev
investment earning
What are the expenditures of general fund?
General admin functions (city mgmt, finance)
Public safety
Culture and rec (parks, lib)
What are ex of special rev funds?
Legally restricted or committed for specific purpose
Sales tax fund –> to op park and tourist
Gas tax fund –> op and maintain streets
Special fees –> op school program
Parking fees –> op traffic court)
State grant –> juvi
What is the JE for a restricted Capital grant?
CR: Rev collected in advance (deferred)
What is a special assessment?
Taxes or fees levied against property owners who will directly benefit from project (sidewalks, street lights)
What two govt funds do not include encumberances?
Debt service and permanent
What is the BS structure for a Govt Fund?
Assets, Liab, Fund balances
What is the layout of a statement of rev/expen/changes in fund balances for govt balances
Expenditures (current vs, capital outlay)
Other financing sources
Special item
What are the rev sources of internal service fund
Restricted grant (recognized when spent)
Op/non op rev
What is the layout of proprietary fund statement of net position (RUN)?
Assets (current and NCA) reduced by A/D
-Liab (CL and NCL)
Net position (Net inv in capital assets, Restricted for debt services, Unrestricted)
How are shared revenues classified in enterprise funds?
As nonope rev
What is the order of presentation of a proprietary fund statement of rev/ex/change in net position? (INCASET)
Income (operating)
Nonoperating income/exp
Captial contributions
Additions to endowments
Special items (unusual and infrequent)
Extra ordinary items
What funds are included in the Govt-Wide Financials