F6 Flashcards
What rate is used to calculate the PV of the lease?
Implicit rate (when known)
How do you calculate the current portion of income tax expense?
Taxable income * Effective tax rate for the current year
How do you calculate the deferred tax liability?
Temporary differences * effective tax rate for Future years
How are Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities reported on the Balance sheet?
Net of tax
ALWAYS NONCURRENT (asset/liability)
What is a Deferred tax asset
Deferred Tax benefit –> (Financial expense now, Tax expense later)
In a lease, what useful life is used to depreciate a capitalized equipment?
Depreciated with normal depreciation life
In a lease, what useful life is used to depreciate a leasehold improvement?
Shorter of:
1. Remaining life of the lease
2. life of the improvements
What is the primary objective of accounting for income taxes?
To recognize the amount of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets reported for future tax consequences
How are lease expenses allocated in an operating lease for lessee?
Lessee records lease expense on straight line basis (total pmts/total periods)
When translating foreign currency FS into reporting currency FS - what is items are not translated using the y/e exchange rate?
Common Stock and APIC - use the historical exchange rate
What are the 3 conditions for a sub entity to have the functional currency? (foreign currency = functional currency)
- They USE that currency
- Do their own banking
- not hyper inflationary`
IF ALL IS YES –> Translation
Where does the G/L from remeasurement go?
Income statement
Where does the G/L from Translation go to?
Where is the change in exchange rate G/L recorded?
In the IS
In remeasurement - what are the rates used in the B/S and I/S
BS: 1. If monetary (LT debt) = Year end rate 2. Non-monetary (inv, FA, CS) = historical (begininng)
I/S: If not B/S related (Sales)–> WA… if B/S related (depreciation, COGS) –> Historical cost
In translation - what are the rates for BS and IS?
B/S - Asset/Liab –> Y/E rate
CS –> Historical rate
IS –> Weighted Avg rate
What is the Criteria for a Lease?
Ownership transfer of the lease
Written purchase option for the lessee to purchase the lease at the end of the lease
the NPV of the FCF is 90% of the Fair Value
Lease is a substantial portion of the economic life of the asset (75% +)
Specialized asset
IF YES TO ANY –> Finance lease for lessee, Sales type lease to Lesor
IF NO TO ALL –Operating
When is there a direct financing lease for the lessor
Where the PV minimum lease pmts + residual value (guaranteed by third party, not lessee) >= 90%FV of the asset at lease inception
What are the 4 requirements for combination of contracts?
- 1+ contracts is a lease
- Contracts are for approx same time period
- same related party
- one contract affects consideration paid , contracts have same commcial objective
What are 3 things NOT included in Lease payments? (NGO)
Nonlease components
Guarantees of lessor debt by lesse
Other variable lease pmts
What rate is used for the discount rate?
Implicit rate if known (if not –> incremental borrowing rate)
What are the 2 criteria for sale-leaseback transaction sale?
Contract exists and Control has transferred to buyer
IF no transfer –> financing transaction
What are the two criteria to be a sale for lease back transaction?
Repurchase option
1. Options exercise price is same as underlying assets FV at time
2. Alt assets are sub equal to underlying asset a