F8 U7 Big ideas Flashcards
aim (v)
> wf
aim (v)
> nhắm tới
> aim to do st
> ex: We aim to raise awareness about sea turtle conservation.
> an aim (n)
> mục đích
> ex: She went to London with the aim of finding a job.
ban (v)
> wf
ban (v)
> cấm
> ex: Ban littering in streets
> ex: We should ban the use of orcas for entertainment.
a ban (n)
> lệnh cấm
> a ban on st
> ex: They are calling for a ban on the use of phones while driving.
believe (v)
> wf
believe (v)
> tin
> ex: She truly believes that love can change the world.
belief (n)
> niềm tin
> ex: They share a belief that there is life after death.
boycott (v)
> wf
boycott (v)
> tẩy chay
> ex: We’d like people to boycott the shows and sign our petition.
boycott (n)
> việc tẩy chay
> ex: The environmentalists started a boycott of plastic items with the aim of lessening pollution.
a campaign (n)
> wf
a campaign (n)
> chiến dịch
> ex: The charity campaign raised funds for the homeless.
campaign (v)
> lên chiến dịch
> ex: We must campaign to encourage people to put litter in the bins.
donate (v)
> wf
donate (v)
/dəʊˈneɪt/, /ˈdəʊneɪt/
> quyên góp
> ex: He would donate all his money to the boy’s surgery.
> a donation (n)
> (tiền, …) quyên góp
> ex: The charity received a generous donation from a local business.
end (v)
> wf
end (v)
> chấm dứt
> ex: Help us end food waste and allow more people to buy cheap, healthy food.
> an end (n)
> phần kết thúc
> put an end to st
> He decided to put an end to his bad habits.
propose (v)
> wf
propose (v)
> đề nghị, cầu hôn
> ex: She proposed that the book (should) be banned.
> ex: He was afraid that if he proposed she might refuse.
a proposal (n)
> việc đề nghị, lời đề nghị
ex: His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected.
protest (v)
> wf
protest (v)
> phản đối
> ex: We want to protest about the commercial hunting of the turtles for their shelves.
> a protest (n)
> sự phản đối, cuộc biểu tình
> in protest at st
> ex: The director resigned in protest at the decision.
> ex: She joined the protest against climate change.
sign (v)
> wf
sign (v)
> ký tên
> ex: Sign your name here, please.
> **a signature (n) **
> chữ ký
> ex: They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition.
support (v)
> wf
support (v)
> ủng hộ
> ex: Please support our campaign.
> support (n)
> sự ủng hộ
> in support of st
> ex: Only a few people spoke in support of the proposal.
> supporter (n)
> The party still has many loyal supporters.
> supportive (a)
> be supportive of sb
> ex: a supportive family
> ex: He was strongly supportive of my career.
volunteer (v)
> wf
volunteer (v)
> xung phong
> Helen volunteered to have Thanksgiving at her house this year.
> volunteer (n)
> người tình nguyện
> Schools need volunteers to help children to read.
> việc tình nguyện
> She does volunteer work at an orphanage.
> voluntary (a)
> tình nguyện
> ex: She does a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.
> ex: The day care scheme was run by a voluntary organization.
petition (n)
> wf
petition (n)
> đơn kiến nghị
> sign a petition
> create a petition
> ex: ex: You simply need to sign a petition online.
petition (v)
> kiến nghị
> ex: Villagers petitioned the local authority to provide better bus services.
Donating blood can “_______ a difference” in saving lives.
make a difference
capture (v)
> wf
capture (v)
> bắt
> ex: The zookeepers captured the escaped tiger and returned it to its enclosure.
> captivity (n)
> việc bị giam cầm
> in captivity
> ex: The animals were kept in captivity for research purposes.
natural habitat
môi trường sông tự nhiên
> The panda’s natural habitat is the bamboo forest.
raise awareness about st
> nâng cao nhận thức về
> We aim to raise awareness about sea turtle conservation.
conserve (v)
> wf
conserve (v)
> bảo tồn, giữ gìn
> ex: new laws to conserve wildlife in the area
> conservation (n)
> việc bảo tồn
> ex: We aim to raise awareness about sea turtle conservation.
> conservative (a)
> theo truyền thống
> She prefers conservative clothing styles, opting for classic pieces over trendy ones.
> conservatively (adv)
> ex: They dress conservatively for family meetings.
reject (v)
> wf
reject (v)
> từ chối
> Supermarkets reject 20–40% of fruit and vegetables because they aren’t perfect.
> rejection (n)
> việc bị từ chối
> His fear of rejection prevented him from asking her out.
persuade (v)
persuade (v)
> thuyết phục
> persuade sb to do st
> ex: I didn’t want to go, but my friends persuaded me into it.
persuasion (n)
> việc thuyết phục
> ex: After a little gentle persuasion, he agreed to come.
persuasive (a)
> lôi cuốn, thuyết phục
> The persuasive ad made me want to buy the new phone.
persuasively (adv)
> ex: Using facts and logic, he argued persuasively for his proposal.
law (n)
> wf
law (n)
> luật, đạo luật
> a law against st
> ex: The law requires everyone to wear a seatbelt while driving.
> lawyer (n)
> luật sư
> nạn nhân
> The victim bravely stood up to their bully.
introduce a law / taxes on st
> đưa ra đạo luật
> ex: We need to introduce a law to keep our beaches clean from littering.
kênh đào
> The canal runs through the heart of the city.
> giao thông, xe cộ
ex: There’s too much traffic in the city center.
food waste
> thức ăn bị lãng phí
> There’s a lot of “food waste” in the buffets
> hiệu trưởng
> request a change to st
> yêu cầu
> Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.
> bất ngờ, không chuẩn bị trước
> She made a spontaneous decision to join the hiking trip.
kind (a)
> wf
kind (a)
> kindness (n)
> lòng tốt
> ex: She showed kindness by helping her elderly neighbor carry groceries.
Getting accepted into their dream college “changed her l_____ ” completely.
change sb’s life
> tuyệt vời, không tin được
> The view from the mountaintop was absolutely incredible.
Donating to charity can “make the w_____a better place”.
make the world a better place
> phẫu thuật
> The surgery was successful, and he’s recovering well.
> doanh nhân
> The entrepreneur started her own business from scratch.
automatic dispensing machine
máy phân phát tự động
> cung cấp
provide st for sb
> She will provide snacks for the meeting.
the poor
the rich
the young
> the + adj > a group of people
> người nghèo, người giàu, người trẻ
> phong tỏa
> ex: During the lockdown, citizens were required to stay indoors except for essential activities.
/dɪˈstrɪbjuːt/, /ˈdɪstrɪbjuːt/
> phân phát
> ex: Volunteers helped distribute food and supplies to those in need during the pandemic.
in need
> đang cần sự giúp đỡ
> ex: Volunteers helped distribute food and supplies to those in need during the pandemic.
have access to st
> tiếp cận, tiếp xúc với
> ex: People who live in cities often have easy access to stores and restaurants.
> đại dịch
> ex: Volunteers helped distribute food and supplies to those in need during the pandemic.
> thất nghiệp
> ex: Some unemployed people look for work every day to find a new job.
> vô gia cư
> ex: Homeless people don’t have a place to live.
office worker
> nhân viên văn phòng
> ex: The transition to remote work became necessary for many office workers during the pandemic.
> (không) thành thực, trung thực
> Honest people admit when they’re wrong and try to make things right.
return st to sb
> trả lại
> ex: The company promised to return the stolen items to their owner.
the owner
> chủ nhân
> ex: The company promised to return the stolen items to their owner.
> từ dạo đó
> ex: His life hasn’t been the same since.
> wf
benefit (n)
> a personal benefit
> ex: ex: Exercise has many benefits, like making your muscles stronger and improving your mood.
benefit (v)
> ex: Reading books regularly can benefit your mind by helping you learn new things and imagine new worlds.
beneficial (a)
> ex: Going to bed early is beneficial because it helps your body rest and gives you energy for the next day.
beneficially (adv)
encourage sb to do st
> khuyến khích ai làm gì đó
> ex: Teachers encourage students to ask questions and participate in class.
spread st
> lan truyền
> spread - spread - spread
> spread kindness
> ex: You can spread kindness by saying kind words to someone who looks sad.
> lợi ích
> ex: Using a computer has the advantage of helping you find information quickly.
medical treatment
> get the medical treatment
> điều trị y tế
> ex: Going to the dentist for a toothache and getting a filling is a form of medical treatment.
> receive money
> nhận
> ex: Receiving money changed his life.
> an unlimited amount of st
> không giới hạn
> ex: The rice ATM’s distributed an unlimited amount of rice each time.
> tài nguyên
> ex: Natural resources like water and sunlight are essential for life on Earth.
personal qualities
> character
tính cách
> ex: Having good personal qualities can help you make friends and be happy.
> tự tin
> ex: She spoke in a confident tone, showing she believed in what she was saying.
> rộng lượng
> His generous nature was evident in the way he always shared what he had with others.
> heroic actions
> anh hùng
> The firefighter’s heroic actions saved the family from the burning building.
có kế hoạch, biết sắp xếp
> ex: She’s so organized that she never forgets important dates or appointments.
> kiên nhẫn
> ex: Patient people don’t mind waiting a little longer if it means things will work out better.
> đồng cảm
> ex: When you’re feeling sad, it’s nice to have someone sympathetic to talk to.
chu đáo, biết quan tâm
> A thoughtful friend listens carefully and offers support when you need it.
> dũng cảm
> ex: Firefighters do brave things every day, risking their lives to save others.
plan things carefully
> lên kế hoạch kĩ càng
> ex: She likes to plan things carefully, making sure every detail is considered before taking action.
She is _____ a generous person
such + N
She is such a generous person
She is so kind
so + adj
She is so kind
really, very
> I admire him because he is extremely brave.
không cần
> Giving away unwanted items to charity can help someone else who might need them.
a clever idea
> ý tưởng thông minh
ex: The clever idea of using recycled materials helped reduce waste.
ngưỡng mộ
> ex: I admire my parents because they work hard to take care of our family.
bảo vệ
> ex: Wearing sunscreen helps protect your skin from getting sunburned.
> provide a solution to st
cách giải quyết, giải pháp
ex: Putting on a raincoat is a solution to staying dry in the rain.
> give opportunities to sb
cơ hội
> ex: Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.
the government
chính phủ
> ex: The government sets rules for things like driving and building houses to keep people safe.
have the power
có quyền lực
> ex: Bosses have the power to hire and fire employees.
tổng thống
> ex: The president makes important decisions for the country.
up to
tùy vào ….
> ex: It’s up to you to decide what game we play.
If you found 5 million VND in the street, what would you do?
(speaking) …
Would you mind ________ (help) me with a question?
Would you mind helping me with a survey?
bảng khảo sát
> ex: We filled out a survey at the restaurant to rate our dining experience.
make st necessary
> quan tâm, nhấn mạnh sự quan trọng, cần thiết
> ex: If the government made it necessary, it would lead to everyone recycling their rubbish.
lead to st
> dẫn tới
> lead to sb doing st
> ex: If the government made it necessary, it would lead to everyone recycling their rubbish.
“The main reason for” recycling is to save the planet.
The main reason for doing st … is to …
> lý do chính
The main reason for recycling is to “save the planet”.
save the planet
It might need “a lot of work”, but it’s definitely worth the effort.
It might need a lot of work
> nỗ lực
> ex: It might need a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth the effort.
be worth st
> đáng
> ex: It might need a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth the effort.
I s______ you’re right.
I suppose you’re right.
I want to start “a competition _______ ” making environmentally-friendly products.
a competition on st / doing st
I want to start a competition on making “e_______-friendly” products.
> thuyết phục
> ex: She tried to convince her little brother to share his toys with her.
> arguments for st
arguments against st
cuộc cãi vã, lý lẽ
> ex: It’s important to listen to each other during an argument to understand both sides.
On the one hand, ….
On the other hand, …
một mặt …, mặt khác thì ….
In addition, …
ngoài ra, thêm vào đó
For example, …
For instance,…
ví dụ
Personally, I am (not) in favour of ….
cá nhân tôi không thích ….
> phàn nàn
> ex: She complained to the teacher that someone was being mean to her.
a nuisance
> mối phiền toái
> ex: Mosquitoes buzzing around are a nuisance when you’re trying to sleep.
One of the arguments is that …
một trong những lý do/ lý lẽ đó là ….
cause problems
gây khó khăn
> ex: Talking loudly in the library can cause problems for people who are trying to study.
during class
ex: You should pay attention during class to learn new things.
quấy rầy, làm phiền
> ex: Please do not disturb me while I’m studying.
the whole class
cả lớp
> ex: The joke was so funny that it made the whole class laugh.
bắt nạt qua mạng
> ex: Posting hurtful comments on someone’s social media page is an example of cyberbullying.
serious problems
vấn đề nghiêm trọng
> ex: Skipping meals can lead to serious problems with your energy levels and overall health.
> research information
nghiên cứu, tra cứu
> ex: He spent hours in the library doing research for his school project.
> ex: It’s important to manage your time wisely to get your schoolwork done on time.
keep phones on silent
để điện thoại chế độ im lặng
> It’s polite to keep your phone on silent in places like classrooms, theaters, or meetings.
bắt buộc
> ex: Wearing a uniform is compulsory at some schools.
kết quả, hậu quả
> ex: The consequence of not wearing a seatbelt is getting injured in a car accident.
có trách nhiệm
> ex: She’s responsible for taking care of her younger siblings when her parents are at work.
help the community
giúp đỡ cộng đồng
> Cleaning up litter in the park is a way to help the community.