F8 U5 Years ahead Flashcards
g_____ a bank account
get a bank account
g_____ a boyfriend / girlfriend
get a boyfriend / girlfriend
g_____ a degree
get a degree
g_____ a driving licence
get a diving licence
g_____ a job
get a (good) job
g_____ a new hobby
get a new hobby
g_____ a pension
get a pension
g_____ a phone
get a phone
g_____ a social media account
get a social media account
g_____ married
get married / be married
g_____ old
get old
g_____ rich
get rich
What do children n_________ do before they’re five?
these days
Most teenagers have got a social media account n_______
something that worries you
It’s when we have the fewest w_______
worries (n)
to take somebody else’s child into your family and become its legal parent(s)
a______ a child
die y_____
die younger
live l_____
live longer
as said by sb/st
“a_____ to” scientists, if you get married, you’ll probably be happy
according to
/əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə/
“a____ this age”, many people are married
at this age
b______ grandparents
become grandparents
The city welcomed “a r_____ number of” tourists last summer.
A record number of
l____ a quiet life
lead a quiet life
People are g____ older.
People are getting older
the number of years that a person is likely to live
The average “life e_________” in Europe was forty-three
life expectancy
/ˈlaɪf ɪkspektənsi/
talking about opinions
making predictions about the future
Hopefully, ____
Hopefully, I’ll …..
talking about opinions
making predictions about the future
____ definitely ___
I’ll definitely ….
I definitely won’t …
talking about opinions
making predictions about the future
____ doubt ___
I doub that I’ll …
talking about opinions
making predictions about the future
____ sure ___
I’m pretty sure that I’ll ….
talking about opinions
making predictions about the future
____ think ___
I think that I’ll …
I don’t think that I’ll …
talking about opinions
making predictions about the future
____ might
I might …
talking about opinions
making predictions about the future
Maybe ___
Maybe I’ll …
to change your behaviour in order to deal more successfully with a new situation
Human have a_____ and changed through the ages.
a_____ to a different environment
adapt - (to st)
a sudden event that causes many people to suffer
= disaster
a c_____ destroys the Earth
to damage something so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc.
a catastrophe d______ the Earth
likely to happen or to be true
If we continue to use computers more and more, our eyes and brains will p______ get bigger.
If we continue to use computers more and more, our eyes and brains will probably get bigger “i____ order to” process more information.
in order to
If we continue to use computers more and more, our eyes and brains will probably get bigger in order to “p____ more information”.
process information
a large number of cases of a disease happening at the same time in an area
If there’s a terrible war or an e_______, survivors might leave the cities and live in caves.
covered with a lot of hair
They’ll become stronger, “hairier” and more agile.
able to move quickly and easily
They’ll become stronger, hairier and more a______.
to control
Scientists might m______ human genes.
Soldiers of the future might be “part human, part m______”, with super-strong body parts, auto-zoom eyes.
part human, part machine
to join together two or more things
connect - (st to st)
a brain “connected” by Wi-fi to super computers
g_____ (over)crowded
get crowded
If the Earth gets too crowded / overcrowded, humans will move to other planets.
the air around a place
If they adapt to a different a____ and gravity on another planet, they won’t look the same as humans on Earth.
gravity ?
the Earth is big, so it has a strong pull that keeps us from floating away into space. This force of _____ keeps everything on the ground and makes objects fall when you drop them.
If they adapt to a different atmosphere and ______ on another planet, they won’t look the same as humans on Earth.
a______ the result of
as the result of
What will people possibly do ________ an epidemic or war?
condition ?
If humans adapt to “conditions” on another planet, the human race won’t look the same.
all people
If humans adapt to conditions on another planet, “the human r____” won’t look the same.
the human race
to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or illness
He will get tired if he doesn’t r____.
We won’t “look the s____” if we live on Mars.
look the same
if not
You will miss the bus u______ you get up now.
She’s “happy w____” the one she has now
happy with
“One thing’s f___ sure” - people will continue to write about the future
one thing’s for sure
who knows!
He might win. “Y____ never know!”
You never know!
t___ you a secret
tell you a secret
What w____ happen if …
What will happen if …
in ten years’ t____
in ten years’ time
How old will you be ______?
Where do you see yourself _______?
the way a person lives
Sarah “leads a healthy l_____” by exercising regularly and eating nutritious meals.
lead a healthy lifestyle
complete or end something
f____ university
finish university
I see myself “finishing university” first.
have a place to live in a long time
I’ll get a job, “settle d______” and have a family.
settle down
limit your freedom or actions by committing to something or someone
We’d like to travel more, but having children at school really “t____ us down”.
tie(s) yourself down
Why not “take some t____ out”? Go travelling while you’re young!
take some time out
Why not take some time out? “G____ travelling” while you’re young!
go travelling
I want to “h____ fun”
have fun
start doing a physical activity or game regularly for fun, exercise, or competition
I’ll “t______ up a sport” like karate or skydiving and enjoy myself.
take up a sport
having fun, feeling happy, and finding pleasure or satisfaction in what you are doing or experiencing
I’ll take up a sport like karate or skydiving and “enjoy m____”.
enjoy myself
I’ll be do____ st
I’ll be doing st
I hope that ________ my black belt.
I’m going to travel around Australia and “teach myself ______ surf”.
teach myself to do something
getting paid or receiving income by doing a job
Where are you going to “e____ money” to get to Australia?
earn money
I’m going to “start u___ my own business”, make a million dollars in two years, and then I’ll retire young.
start up my own business
stop working, typically after reaching a certain age or after a long career
After I r_____, I will get a pension.
I’m going to start up my own business, make a million dollars in two years, and then I’ll r_____ young.
Why “waste t____ working” all your life?
waste time doing something
take care of or watch over someone or something. It involves making sure that person or thing is safe, healthy
It’s important to “look a_____” yourself.
look after
to participate or take part in something
I’d like to “get involved w____” a charity and spend some time abroad helping people.
get involved with something
An event in which you can help unlucky people
I’d like to get involved with a c_____ and spend some time abroad helping people.
I t______ agree
I totally agree
having a strong desire and determination to achieve success
He is a________. He dreams of climbing the tallest mountains.
to keep doing something without stopping
Humans will c_______ to change.
“F____ into the future”, perhaps people won’t die but simply buy new body parts as they get older.
further into the future
someone who has lived through a difficult or dangerous situation, like a natural disaster, illness, or accident
He’s a s_____ of a rare disease and shares his story to inspire others.
survivor (of st)
gene(s) ?
Genes are like tiny things inside our bodies that tell our cells how to grow and work.
They’re made of DNA and carry information passed down from our parents
They decide things like our appearance, how our bodies function, and sometimes our diseases
being smart or clever
He’s a highly i________ man.
a member of an army
Enemy “s______” have human rights too.
to make something happen
It will probably c_____ our brains to get bigger.
cause (st/sb to do st)
in or to a foreign country
I’m planning to spend a year traveling a_______ and exploring different cultures.
travel i____ space
travel into space
live o____ Earth
live on Earth
“I’ve decided t____” I’m going to teach myself the guitar
I’ve decided that
“First of a______”, I am going to buy a guitar.
first of all
happening or located outside rather than in a building
o____ music festival
outdoor music festival
I don’t know
I have no i_____
I have no idea
something that you intend to do or achieve
Do you have any p____ for the summer?
new p____ for the TV show
plan(s) - (for st)
rearrange the words to make a sentence
watching TV - you - be - will - this time tomorrow - ?
Will you be watching TV this time tomorrow?
rearrange the words to make a sentence
the match - won’t - we - be - watching - on Sunday
We won’t be watching the match on Sunday
What do you think you’ll be doing on Sunday morning?
-> I’ll ___________
I’ll be ….. (doing st)
You have a lot of things to do today.
You’ve got a busy day a_____
You’ve got a busy day ahead
That’s what h____ when you’re important
That’s what happens when you’re important
a person who has an important job as a manager of a company
Television e________
CEO - chief e________ officer
the meeting s____ at 12.30
the meeting starts at 12.30
(using present simple - timetable)
you have to be there a little e____
you have to be there a little earlier
a short performance, a chance to show your skills
She had an a________ for drama school.
not late
go to bed ______ time
on time
add information or a new topic into a conversation
We’re planning to visit Paris next month. “By the w_______”, have you ever been there?
by the way
a person who manages (a part of) a company
The d_____ of the company is responsible for making big decisions.
to help somebody remember something
R_____ me to phone Alan before I go out.
Can you r____ me to tell him about the plan?
remind - (sb to do st)
agree or accept what the other person has suggested
Mom: It’s time to clean your room.
Child: Okay, “Whatever you s_______”
Whatever you say
an occasion when people come together to discuss or decide something
Don’t forget you’ve got a m______ this afternoon
There will be “an e___-of-term party” after the exams
an end-of-term party
extremely large in area, size, amount, etc.
Do you think we will move to somewhere else in this v____ universe
perfect; most suitable
Here is my thought about an i____ planet to live on
strange, exciting and unusual because it seems to be connected with foreign places
I wonder what it would be like to set foot on an “e_____ ground”.
exotic ground
“I w____ what it would be like to” set foot on an exotic ground.
I wonder what it would be like to
to step or place your foot onto something, like entering a place or touching a surface with your foot
”s_____ foot on” a beach
”s_____ foot on” the moon
set foot on
I think
I s____
I g____
I b____
I i_____
I suppose
I guess
I believe
I imagine
e_______ a new ecosystem
all the plants and living creatures in a particular area
Pollution can destroy an e_________, causing harm to the plants and animals
You never know!
W____ knows!
Who knows!
“______ Maybe this new restaurant will become our favorite place to eat.”
connected with the place where you were born and lived for the first years of your life
Her “n_____ language” is Korean.
live with “n____ people”
native language
native people
= also, in addition
The restaurant offers delicious food. M_____, it provides excellent customer service.
something that can be used
The website is an invaluable educational r_____.
to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc.
Plants t_____ when they receive enough sunlight and water.
I imagine we will surely t____.
d___ new technology
develop new technology
a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car or lorry
The police think that he was driving a stolen v_______.
teleporting portal
a magical doorway that instantly takes you from one place to another, allowing you to move across large distances in the blink of an eye
to improve something
She wanted to b______ her grades by studying harder this semester.
better (v)
I think
“In my v_____” it was a waste of time.
In my view
to make something look more attractive by putting things on it
d____ their classroom
to see or notice sb/st
It helps people to o_______ the sky
to honestly say what is real or factual without lying or hiding anything
tell the t_____
tell the truth
to think or believe that something will happen or that somebody will do something
You can’t e______ to learn a foreign language in a few months.
expect - (to do st)
human race
human b____
human beings
“adapt (v)
adapt to changing environments
adaptation (n)
The process of adaptation to a new school is difficult for some children.
adaptable (a)
Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.”
adopt (v)
She adopted three children from the orphanage.
adoption (n)
The couple was overjoyed after the successful adoption of a newborn baby.
adoptive (a)
The adoptive parents showered their child with love and support.
“destroy (v)
The building was completely destroyed by fire.
destruction (n)
The war brought widespread destruction to the city.
destructive (a)
The tornado caused destructive damage to the entire neighborhood.
destructible (a)
The toy was made from destructible materials, so it broke easily.
destructively (adv)
The storm destructively damaged the roof of the old house.”
“flexible (a)
The rubber band is flexible and stretches easily.
My mother is fairly flexible about what time I need to be home.
flexibly (adv)
She can flexibly adapt to changing situations.
flexibility (n)
exercises to develop the flexibility of dancers’ bodies
Her flexibility in adapting to change impressed her colleagues.”
“health (n)
Grandma is not in the best of health.
healthy (a)
The newborn was perfectly healthy.
a healthy diet/lifestyle
healthily (adv)
A good gardener knows how to keep things growing healthily.
eat healthily”
“important (a)
Money played an important role in his life.
importantly (adv)
More importantly, can he be trusted?
She was sitting importantly behind a big desk.
importance (n)
He understands the importance of getting the details right.”
“information (n)
to collect/gather/obtain/receive information
to give/share/pass on information
You can go to the information desk for help.
inform (v)
He went to inform them of his decision.
(un)informative (a)
The talk was both informative and entertaining.
informatively (adv)
My new colleagues explained to me clearly and informatively how the process works.”
“intelligent (a)
She is clearly extremely intelligent.
to ask an intelligent question
intelligently (adv)
She spoke intelligently on the subject.
intelligence (n)
artificial intelligence
a person of high/average/low intelligence
He didn’t even have the intelligence to call for an ambulance.”
“introduce (v)
He introduced me to his friends at the party.
introduction (n)
His mother is mentioned in the introduction of the book.
I was hoping to get an introduction to his colleague.
We can now begin commercial introduction of the product into the United States.
introductory (a)
introductory chapters / paragraphs
This introductory offer is for three days only. (when a product is first on sale)”
“involve (v)
The test will involve answering questions about a photograph
We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.
Parents should involve themselves in their child’s education.
involvement (n)
the involvement of parents in their children’s education
Nurses usually try to avoid emotional involvement with patients.
involved (a)
Several people have been involved with the project from the beginning.
Some people tried to stop the fight but I didn’t want to get involved.”
“manipulate (v)
She uses her charm to manipulate people.
They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help.
The magician performed an impressive manipulation of cards.
Media manipulation can shape public opinion.
manipulative (a)
He’s extremely manipulative, so don’t let him persuade you.
manipulatively (adv)
The child behaved manipulatively to avoid punishment.”
“marry (v)
We got married in a small village church.
I don’t want to marry Robert.
marriage (n)
She has two children by a previous marriage.
My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage.
Their marriage took place in a local church.
marital (a)
Communication is key in marital relationships.
Open communication and respecting differences strengthened their marital connection.”
“predict (v)
The weather forecast can predict rain tomorrow.
prediction (n)
Her accurate prediction about the game’s outcome surprised everyone.
The results of the experiment confirmed our predictions.
predictive (a)
The predictive text feature on my phone suggests words as I type.
predictable (a)
The ending of the book was entirely predictable.”
“probably (adv)
You’re probably right.
‘Do we need the car?’ ‘Probably not.’
probable (a)
It’s probable that it will rain tomorrow.
Winning the lottery is not probable.
Studying regularly is a probable way to succeed.
probability (n)
There seemed to be a high probability of success.”
“remind (v)
Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.
You remind me of your father when you say that.
reminder (n)
Set a reminder for tomorrow’s dentist appointment.”
“survive (v)
Many birds didn’t survive the severe winter.
I can’t survive on £40 a week
survival (n)
life is a battle for survival
Doctors gave him only a 50% chance of survival.
survivable (a)
The astronaut’s suit is highly survivable in the harsh environment of space.
The new safety features make the car more survivable in accidents.”