F8 (NFP Acct+Revenue Recognition) Flashcards
3 main differences of NFP’s compared to commercial entities:
- contributions revenue; providers do not expect commensurate/proportionate return
- operating purposes is to provide services/mission of the NFP
- absence of ownership interest (no equity)
basic FS’s for NFPs:
-statement of fin pos (BS)
-statement of activities (IS)
-statement of CFs
[notes are included]
NFP’s are required to disclose functional expenses to present program and support categories to analyze expenses by object (natural class’n):
- program svc:
- activities the org is chartered
- universities (edu and research)
- hospitals (patient care and training)
- union (labor negotiations and training)
- day care (child care)
- support services:
- fundraising (cost to maintain a donor list for contributions)
- mgt. and G+A exp (soliciting membership dues)
- membership dvp (soliciting prospective members, brochure costs)
classification of gov expenditures:
- function/program = elderly, drug, addiction, edu programs
- org unit = police, fire dept, (public safety functions)
- activity = drug and highway (under police org unit)
- character = current expend, cap outlay, debt svc, intergov
- object classes = chart of accounts (S+G exp, etc)
acquisition of a plant in NFP Acct:
donated assets are class’d as NAs w/ donor restrictions to purchase/build LT-A
either direct/indirect can be used
- CFO includes agency transactions
- includes receipts of resources w/o donor restrictions designated by gov body to be used for LT-A
- CFI includes proceeds from sale of works of art/purch of works of art
- includes investment in Equip
- includes proceeds from sale of assets rec’d in PRIOR PERIODS whose sale proceeds were donor-restricted to investment in Equip (or other LT-A)
*CFF includes:
proceeds from donor-restricted contributions
*inflow = CFF, outflow = CFI (disbursements)
-limits its use to purchases of LT-A or annuity agreements
recording of gifts or promises to give:
- conditional promises are NOT recorded
* conditional gifts received in advance = refundable advance (L)
multiyear pledge recording: [uncond’l promises receivable over a period of years]
record at PV + increase NA w/ donor restriction
agency transactions:
-NFP has no discretion or “variance power”; creates a liability
-noncash contributions recorded as both expense and support
exchange transaction recording:
record as revenues w/o donor restrictions (sale of G/S)
donations w/ donor restrictions that will be satisfied within 1 year of receipt:
classify as donations w/o donor restrictions
split-interest agreements:
(charitable remainder trusts)
*displayed sep’ly on NFP FS, measured at FV or PV at acquisition and classified as donor-restricted; JE:
Dr Assets held in trust (donated amt)
Cr Liability to Ben (PV L)
Cr Contr Rev (w/ donor restriction) (plug)
**disbursements w/ split-int agreements are class’d as CFF on CFs
SOME criteria:
contributions of services that require:
- Specialized skills
- Otherwise needed
- Measured
- Easily
Dr Exp/Asset Cr Contributions (nonop rev)
contributed services either:
- enhance a physical asset or
- meet SOME criteria
Accounting for Mkt Sec’s:
investments in sec’s displayed at FV
-inc/dec in FV of sec’s are class’d as w/o donor restrictions unless there are donor stipulations
underwater endowments:
FV reporting date
(-) OG gift amt
(-) amt req’d to be maintained by donor/law
= NA w/ donor restrictions (loss)
pass-through contributions to NFP Beneficiary:
Donor –> Recipient –> Beneficiary
GR: recipient accounting (foundation)
*w/o variance power:
Dr Asset
Cr Refundable advance
*w/ variance power:
Dr Asset
Cr Revenue
GR: beneficiary accounting (University)
*w/o variance power:
Dr Receivable
Cr Contr Rev
*w/ variance power:
generally not recorded unless a financial relationship exists
financially interrelated recipients:
recipients and beneficiaries are related if:
(1) 1 organization has ability to influence the decisions of the other
(2) 1 organization has an ongoing interest in the other; JE:
Dr Interest in NA
Cr change in interest in recipient NAs
**changes in value JE:
Dr Beneficial interest
Cr Contr Rev
Charity care (value of svc HC org gives away) is not displayed in FS’s:
reduce gross patient svc rev with charity care and contractual allowances for 3rd party payments
Unveristy and Institution Revenue Recognition:
student tuition and fees reported at GROSS, less scholarships, tuition waivers, and similar reductions (can be displayed as exp)
*tuition + scholarships - refunds = gross revenue tuition
Other Operating Revenue list:
- tuition from schools
- revenue from edu programs
- donated supplies and Equip
- specific purpose grants
- revenue from auxiliary activities
- cafeteria revenue
- parking fees
- gift shop revenue
- medical transcription fees
Non-op Revenue list:
- interest and DI from CFI
- gifts and bequests
- grants
- income from endowments
- income from board-designated funds
- donated services