F8 Flashcards
Governmental Accounting
What are the objectives of Fund Accounting?
- In compliance with legal restrictions
- In compliance with spending limits/budgetary control
Not-for-profit organizations not run by governments do not use?
Governmental Accounting
Governmental accounting is tested within what 3 themes?
- Fund Structure
- Fund Accounting
- External Reporting
To hold you must…GRaSPP
What are the different governmental accounting funds?
- General Fund
- Special Revenue Fund
- Debt Service Fund
- Capital Projects Fund
- Permanent Fund
What is the Balance sheet format for the Funds?
Current Assets and Deferred Outflows (Prepaids)
Current Liabilities + Deferred Inflows of Resources (Deferred Revenue)
Plus: Fund Balance
Equals: Total Current Liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, and fund balance (Like R/E)
I/S = The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance
What is the Income Statement format for the governmental funds?
The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance
- *Less:** Expenditures
- *Equals:** Net Change in Fund Assets.
What are the Proprietary Funds?
- Internal Service Fund
- Enterprise Fund
What is are the Financial Statements for the Proprietary Funds?
- The Statement of Net Position
- The Statement of Revenues, Expense, and changes in Fund Net position.
What is the format for the Statement of Net position (Proprietary Funds)?
All assets and deferred outflow of resources
- *Less:** All liabilities and deferred inflows of resources
- *Equals:** Net Position
What is the format for the Statement of Revenues, expenses, and Changes in fund net position?
Operating Revenue
- *Less:** Operating expenses
- *Plus:** nonoperating revenue or Less: expenses
- *Equals:** Change in Net position
What are the Fiduciary (Trust) Funds?
- Pension (and other employee benefit) Trust Funds
- Agency Trust Funds
- Private Purpose Trust Funds
- Investment Trust Funds
What are the Statements from the Fiduciary Funds?
Statement of Fiduciary Net position
Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position
Difference between Governmental and Properietary & Fiduciary Funds?
Governmental funds are MAC-GRaSPP
- Modified
- Accrual accounting
- Current financial resources measurement focus
Proprietary & Fiduciary Funds have SPACE
- SE
- Accrual accounting
- Carry fixed asset and long-term debt
- Economic resources measurement focus
Modified Accrual Recognizes Revenue when?
When it is Measurable & Available.
- **Available - **collectible within 60 days
- Measurable - Quantifiable in Monetary Terms
Modified Accrual is used for which funds?
Remember the MAC GRasPPs his Hoes.
Which Funds use Full Accrual?
- SE
- ACE (Accrual, Current fixed asset and Long-term Debt, Economic Resources Focus)
What are the 5 degrees of Constraints?
- Non-spendable Fund Balance (Practical) - Monies have been spent assets are either naturing or expiring
- Unassigned Fund Balance - no constraints to use so General Fund = positive
- Committed Fund Balance (Internal) - Highest governming authoritity establishes limits
- Assigned Fund Balance - (Intention) without formal committment
- Restricted Fund Balance (External) - Legistlation, grantor or creditor requirement must be satisfied
What are the likely classifications of fund balance in governmental funds?
- General (Positive) NCAR
- Special Revenue (Negative) NC_R
- Debt Service (Negative) _CAR
- Capital Projects (Negative) _CAR
- Permanent (Negative) ____R
What is Budgetary Accounting?
A balance Budget supports interperiod equity as an objective of public administration and Fiscal Responsibility
What’s the Journal Entry that records the budgeted amounts for estimated revenue and approved expenditures (appropriations)?
- Dr: Estimated Revenue Control
- Dr: Estimated other financiing sources (transfers from other funds [transfer in])
Dr: Budgetary control (negative/deficit)
- Cr: Appropriations control
- Cr: Estimated other financing uses (transfers to other funds [transfer out])
- Cr: Budgetary control (positive/surplus)
Remember that it is the opposite of the T account compared to the actual amounts!
What is the Journal Entry to Reverse the budget?
- Dr: Appropriations
- Dr: Estimated other financing uses [transfers to other funds (transfer out)]
Dr: Budgetary control (positive)
- Cr: Estimated revenue control
- Cr: Estimated other financing sources [transfers from other funds [transfer in])
- Cr: Budgetary control (negative)
Derived Tax Revenues
Imposed on or derived from exchange transactions.
- Sales tax, tax payer income
Revenues recognized when measurable & available
Imposed Non-exchange Revenues
Non-exchange transactions
- Fines, wealth (property taxes), real estate taxes due
Receivables recorded when government has enforceable legal claim (when property taxes levied, subject to availability criterion)
Government Mandated Non-exchange Transactions
Higher level of government (state) provides funds and mandates certain activities by another level of government (county)
- Environmental clean up
Voluntary Non-exchange Transactions
Government receives resources and does not provide equal value
- Grant agreements
JE to record accrual of real property taxes levied and proved for the estimated amount of noncollectable amounts.
Dr: Real property taxes receivable - current
- Cr: Revenues - property taxes
- Cr: Allowance for uncollectible taxes receivable - current
What is the Journal entry to reclassify Receivables to Delinquent?
Dr: Property taxes receivable - delinquent
- Cr: Property taxes receivable - current
What are the Methods to for Inventory and Prepaids?
Consumption and Purchase methods.
Classification of Governmental Expenditures:
What are examples of a Function or Program?
Examples: public safety, highways, education
Classification of Governmental Expenditures:
What is an Organizational Unit?
Organizational units roll up into Functional Presentations.
Example, the police an fire dept.s can combine to form the public safety function.