F5 Flashcards
Leases, Liabilities, and Bonds
Leasehold improvements should be depreciated over?
The lesser of:
Lease Life, OR
Asset/Improvement life
What is a Rent Kicker?
A premium rent payment required of Specific Events (threshold)
Example: Percent of Sales over Thresholds (Amount)
Security Deposits: What is the Special Exception?
Nonrefundable - Deferred by the lessor (unearned revenue)
Capitalized by Lessee (prepaid rent expense) until the lessor considers Deposit Earned.
Criteria to Capitalize or Finance Lease?
- *Ownership** transfer at end
- *Written** option for bargain purchase
- *Ninety** Percent of FV < PV of lease payments
- *Seventy**-five percent or more of economic life of asset
Special Exception to Capitalize Finance?
N and S cannot be used for a lease that begins within the last 25% of economic life.
Criteria for lessor-Sales type/Financing type Criteria?
- *Lessee**“owns” the leased property (meets OWNS rule)
- *Uncertainties** not for Unreimbursable costs to be incurred.
- *Collectability** of the lease payments are reasonably predictable.
Recording of the Lease for Lessee?
As an Asset, It is recorded as the smaller/lesser
- Fair Value of the asset at the inception of the lease, or
- Cost = Present value of the minimum lease payments
Costs Included in the lease? (Lessee)
- Required Payments
- Bargain purchase Option (PV of BPO)
- Guaranteed Residual Value (amount guaranteed to the Lessor at PV)
Costs to be excluded in the lease (Lessee)?
- Executory Costs - insurance, maintenance and taxes can be paid by the lessor or lessee
- Optional Buyout (not required and not a bargain)
When calculating the present value of the minimum lease payments, the lessee uses what Interest Rate?
Rate implicit of the Lease. if Known
Lessee’s incremental borrowing rate, lessee’s market rate. NOT Prime Rate
Differences between IFRS and GAAP for costs are?
Initial Direct costs like IFRS, “like legal fees” are capitalized.
Expensed in GAAP.
How to Depreciate the Asset?
Capitalized Leased Asset
Less: Salvage Value
Equals: Depreciable Basis
Divided by: Period of Benefit
Equals: Depreciation Expense for the Period
How to determine Period of Benefit?
If O or W, use the life of the asset
If N or S, used the term of the lease.
Period of Benefit for IFRS?
Exception of GAAP.
If it is reasonable that lessee will own the leased asset after the lease term, Should be depreciated over the useful life.
What is one important Disclosure for Leases?
Must disclose future minimum payments for the next 5 years. Include executory costs.
Lessor Accounting: Sales type (Financing) Lease?
Gross Investments
Lease Payment
Plus: Unguaranteed Residual Value
Equals: Gross Investment.
Net Investment
Lease payment
Plus: Unguaranteed Residual Value
Equals: Gross investment
Times: PV factor
Equals: Net Investment
Unearned Interest Revenue
Gross Investment
Less: Net Investment
Equals: unearned interest Revenue
Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Asset
Less: PV unguaranteed residual value
Equals: Cost of goods sold
Sales Revenue
Present Value of minimum lease payments is Sales Revenue.
Includes present value of Guaranteed residual Value.
Does not include unguaranteed Residual Value.
Sales Revenue Formula
Plus: Profit
Equals: Present Value = Selling price = FV
Recording a Direct Financing Lease: Gross Investment?
Lease Payment
Plus: Unguaranteed Residual Value
Gross Investment
Recording a direct financing lease: Net investment?
Gross Investment
Times: PV factor
Net Investment
Leaseback accounting: What is the Formula?
Sale Price 500,000
Less: Asset Net Book Value 100,000
Equals Tentative Gain 400,000
Less: PVof Minimum Lease payments, deferred 153,000
Equals: Excess Gain 247,000
Leaseback accounting: How do you amortize a Capital Leaseback?
Amortize in proportion of the Amortization of the Leased asset.
IF OW, life of asset. If N,S, lease term
Leaseback Accounting: How do amortize a Operating Leaseback
In proportion to the gross rental expense.
Always use the term of the lease