F6 NFP Flashcards
M1 NFP P1 M2 NFP P2 M3 Non-for-Profit Rev Rec M4 NFP Assets & Other Acc Issues M5 Governmental Accounting Overview M6 Gov Fund
F6 M1
NFP require 3 statements to be reported
a) statement of activities: similar to I/S. report change in net assets for period; demonstrate how org resources are used in providing various programs and services. It classify balances for changes in classification of net assets like income, expense, and net assets by classification like net assets without donor restrictions.
b) statement of financial position: similar to B/S. classify balance as assets, liab, and net assets
c) statement of cash flows: similar to statement of CF
At year-end NFP require to produce:
a) statement of financial position (net assets with or without donor restrictions) b) statement of activities, c) statement of cash flows. Also disclose, display, or report relationship between functional classifications and natural classifications of expenses
How to treat operating expenses?
Operating expenses for NFP decreases in net assets without donor restrictions, listed under “expenses and losses” in the statement of activities. If operating expenses relate to donor restrictions than are reclassified to without donor restrictions
What are the categories of functional expenses?
1) program services: expenses relate to mission or service delivery obj of org. example education and research, labor negotiations, teacher salaries for educational org
2) support services: relate to indirectly support org mission i.e general and admin costs, fundraising, membership development/ publicity costs
3) fund-raising 4) management and general.
* If expenses are combination of program and service costs than use allocation basis where costs are combined
* Reported in statement of activity by categories above and disclosure classification by function notes to be in F/S
How to treat donor-imposed restrictions?
Donor-imposed restrictions that are met in the same period they are received may be recorded as support (contribution revenue) without donor restrictions, provided that the organization discloses and consistently applies this accounting policy. When donor restrictions are satisfied, amount can be reclassified to increase net assets without donor restrictions. Donations with donor requirements/restrictions can not be part of net assets withouts donor restrictions
What are examples of of donations that classify as net assets without donor restrictions?
a) Donor donating amount that was used for project and project completed YE, the remaining amount restrictions are lifted b/c funds were used for intended purpose
b) Org BOD designates donation amounts to projects do not have donor restrictions b/c internal designation and donor restrictions can only come from outside org
How will transactions change net assets balance?
1) Endowment earnings = donor restrictions available to pay costs of programming and reclassified to net assets without donor restrictions to costs of program
2) Donor-restricted endowments are net assets with donor restrictions available to cover costs of programming. To determine net assets without donor restrictions take the cost minus fees minus donor restrictions endowments equal to amount without donor restriction
3) increases in net assets with donor restrictions result from contributions with donor-imposed restrictions that may be either in perpetuity or temporary in nature
4) Net assets are characterized as residual interest
Examples to calculate amount of net assets?
a) with donor restrictions at Y2.= contribution donor restriction + interest earned donor restriction as per request
b) released from restrictions for year= amount of program expenses b/c restricted donations are released from restrictions when eligibility requirements are satisfied
c) net effect on net assets with donor restrictions= =Investment earnings from original donor gift + increase in market value of underlying endowment
d) Calculate increase in net assets with donor restrictions in current year statement of activities = increase in net assets w donor restrictions + endowment in perpetuity - net assets released from restrictions
* quasi-endowment is donation without donor restrictions and is excluded
e) Board-designated net assets (for future expenditures) represent board designations of monies that may be expended, not invested. Net assets subject to the passage of time” is a classification of net assets with donor restrictions that is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements and would not be appropriate for a board-designated endowment.
Other important details?
Under GAAP, NFP reports using full accrual basis of accounting
- Cash gift with restriction is an asset with donor restrictions
- FASCB ASC 958: focuses on basic info for org as a while
- cash flow statement prepared using indirect method when interest paid it will be included as supplemental disclosure
Explain difference between non-current assets and current assets?
Non-current assets is restricted cash and donor restricted funds in perpetuity (endowment securities); while current assets without donor restrictions and can be earnings on endowment designated by external donor for ongoing program expenses
F6 M6
Explain the difference between governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds
a) governmental funds are governmental activities that are modified accruals and financial resources measurement focus use “GRSSP”: general, special revenue, debt service, capital projects, and permanent
b) Proprietary funds are basic activities that are full accruals and economic resources measurement use “SE”: internal service and enterprise
c) Fiduciary full accrual and economic resources measurement focus use “CIPPOE”: Custodial, investment trust, private purpose trust, and pension and other employee benefit trust
What is the difference between independent gov and gov wide?
independent gov use modified accrual but gov wide requires presentation of full accrual for both gov and business type
How can local gov record funds?
Both accrual and modified accrual basis
What are the characterics of government funds
a) Current financial resource measurement focus is used only by gov funds identified by GRSPP
b) use a MODIFIED accrual basis of account
c) do not require statement of presentation
d) budgetary focus
e) focus on financial position (B/S)
f) primary focus is on source, use, and balance of current financial resources ie flow of current financial resources
When to recognize revenue on gov funds?
Modified accrual basis for gov unit, revenue should be recognized when become available and measurable
What are definitions to Gov funds GRSPP
1) General:
2) Special Revenue: revenue from specific taxes or other earmarked by law are restricted to particular activities. Expendable may be entirely used up
3) Debt Revenue/Service:
4) Capital projects:
5) Permanent: report resources that are legally restricted to extent income and not principal. used for purpose supporting gov programs for benefit of public
F6 M5
What are the 3 primary user groups of state government external financial reports?
1) citizens (advocate groups) in jurisdiction
2) individuals and groups charges with oversight (legislative/executives groups
3) investors/creditors
What is Governmental Accounting Standards Board “GASB”?
Primary authority to determine measurement focus and basis of accounting standards for governmental fund operating statements