F6 Flashcards
NFP & Governmental Accounting
what is described as a fundraising cost/expense?
expenses incurred to induce contributions
what are the required financial statements for nongovernmental NFP companies?
statement of financial position, statement of activities, statement of cash flows
What is the purpose of the statement of activities for nongovernmental NFP entities?
to demonstrate how the organization’s resources are used in providing various programs and services.
Statement of financial position
same as balance sheet for commercial entity; assets, liabilities, net assets, & their relationships to one another at a moment in time
Statement of activities
same as income statement for commercial entities; represents change in total net assets, change in total net asset w and w/o donor restrictions
When should report a reclassification of net assets in its statement of activities?
when donor restrictions are satisfied or withdrawn, the funds are reclassified from assets with donor restrictions to without
Governmental Funds:
General fund
special Revenue fund
debt Service fund
Permanent fund
capital Projects fund
Accrual Accounting
Current financial resources measurement focus
Proprietary Funds:
internal Service fund
Enterprise fund
Fiduciary Funds:
Custodial fund
Investment trust fund
Private purpose trust fund
Pension (and Other Employee benefit) fund
Accrual basis accounting
Record noncurrent assets and liabilities
Economic resources measurement focus