F2 Flashcards
methods of issuing shares (3)
a placing
A rights issue
When can the WACC be used as a discount rate for NPV calculations?
`- capital structure is constant
no diff business risk with new investnment
new investment is marginal to the company
what is a financial asset
- contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset
- contractual right to exchange financial instruments with another entity under conditions that are potentially favourable
if you acquire = equity financial asset
eg investments in shares of another company
what is a financial liability
contractual obligation to:
- deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity
- to exchange financial instruments with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavourable
eg trade payables, loans from banks
what is an equity instrument
any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all its liabilities
eg issue of ordinary shares
initial measurement of a financial liability
@ FV for intital measurement (minus attributable costs of FL)
subsequent measurement of a financial liability
@ amortised costs
types of derivatives
foward - oblig to buy or sell a defined amount of specific underlying asset, at a specified price at a specified future date
future contracts - oblig to buy or sell a standard quantity of a specific underlying item at a specified future date
options - the right but not the obligation to buy or sell a specific underlyng asset at a specified price on or before a specified future date
EPS ratio
earnings / no of shares
earnings = groups profit after tax less profit of NCI and irredeemable pref share dividend
bonus vs rights issue shares
bonus - no additional income but more shares.
rights additional income to business and more shares issued
impact of a rights issue
two parts.
- new shares issued at a discount, but are treated as being issued at full market price. get the weighted average number of shares depending on when the issue was
- deal with the free element (discount). effectively we are diluting the shares in issue by giving those shares away for free. we deal with this by restating last years comparative EPS.
a rights issue with for sure reduce the EPS.
how to know if a lease is a finance lease
- if there is an option to buy at the end of the lease. below FV
- if ownership passes at the end of the lease term
- if the term of the lease represents the majority part of the assets economic life
- PV of the min lease payments represents substantiallu all the assests FV
- lessee bears losses arising from cancelling the lease
- assets are speciailized nature
who records the ‘rights to use’ of a lease
the lessee, not the lessor
how to accoutn for a finance lease
- derecognise asset and record a receivable
2, record finance lease receipts as a reduction in the receiveable - record int income on the receivable
IFRS Leases - requirement for accounting
that a lease be accounted for on the basis of their economic substance rather than their legal form. a lessee will not own the asset , but will control it for the duration of the lease
IFRS 16 requires that the PV of the future lease payments be calculated at the start f the lease and for the PV to be capitalised s an asset and a liability. the asset will appear under PPE and the liability will be split betwen current and non current liabilities depening on whethers its due in the next 12 months
revenue from customers - the 5 steps (COPAR)
- ID the contrract
- id the separte obligations
- determine the transaction price
- Variable consideration (bonus pd on delivery)
- significant financial components
- non cash consuderations (sahres)
- consideration payment to a customer (rebates)
- Variable consideration (bonus pd on delivery)
- allocate the transaction price to performance obligations
- recognise revenue on each performance oblig is satiisfied (at a point in time, over time)
- consignment inventory (legally owned by one party, held by another, can sell and return etc)
IAS 37 provisions etc - reason for this rule?
companies would use this to deflate revenue in good uyears and increase in bad years previously
provisions were often recognised as as result of an intent to make an expenditure , rather than an obligation to.
IAS 37 - contingent liability - recognised when?
- an entity has a present obligation , as a result of a past event, an outflow of resources is probably needed to settle the oblig (50%) and a reliable estimate of amount can be made.
IAS 37 - provisions etc - what is a contructive obligation
established pattern of past practice (retail returns)
policy, not legal but their own.
IAS 37 - what cant you provision for ?
future operating losses - doesnt meet the liability as it a future things not based on a past event
IAS 37 - when to put in a contingent liability
- less certain than an obligation
- not probable outflow
- diffciult to estimate reliabilty
account for this: not recognised / discloed in a note
IAS 37 - recognition / disclosure etc - when?
a/c treament / liab / asset
certain / regcog / recogn
probable / provsion / discloure note
possible / disclosure / no disclosure
remote / no disclosure / no disclosure
contingent liability definition
a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurance or non occurence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within control of the entity
intangible assests that cannot be capitalised (internally generated)
goodwill brands published titles newpapers masts customer lists intellectual property
purchased intangible assets
should be recognised at cost plus any attributable csots of preparing the assets for its intended use
subsequent treatment of an intangible asset
cost model (cost less amort & any impairement - finite life) or should not be amort if infinite life - only impaired annually or revalution model (only if there is an active market)
amortization should start from the date the asset is available for use- not just when the company starts using it.