F100 EXAM PREP 3 Flashcards
The army, active component total strength is composed of _______ and ________.
- Operating strength
- TTHS (trainees, transients, holdees, and students)
Who is the lead material integrator (LMI) responsible for all army, new equipment, distribution and redistribution?
AMC (Army material command)
What is the authoritative Army equipment common operating picture to visualize equipping status of army units and to make recommended actions to fill equipment shortages?
DST (Decision support Tool)
The Purpose of the_______ is to review Army requirements for personnel to fill shortages, while balancing the available personnel and their professional developmental needs. How many many cycles per year?
- Manning conference
- 2 cycles per year
What is the army capability request to correct a deficiency or to improve capability impacting mission accomplishment for a specific mission and a set timeframe? Joint capability request? Who validates and resources request?
ONS (operational needs statement)
JUONS (joint urgent operational needs statement)
Validated and resourced by a AROC or JROC.
What is the first year of the five year program known as?
Budget year
What is an army construct that provides program clarity with regard to resourcing and prioritization and together the account for all Army resources?
MDEP (management, decision, execution, package)
What is the five-year PPBE submission from the army to the DOD?
POM (Program objective memorandum)
BES (Budget estimate submission)
What are the two bills that resource department of defense?
Authorizations (congressional approval to establish/continue a program)
Appropriations (how resources are allocated across programs)
What manages Army programs to ensure they are properly prioritized in aligned with guidance? What are the sub elements of these programs that are used to allocate resources?
PEGS (Program, evaluation groups, Group) management of army programs
APES (Army program elements) sub element to allocate resources
Who are the top civilian and uniformed leaders who approve TAA decisions?
What army component (COMPO) has equipment and supplies forward deployed in support of combatant commanders OPLAN requirements?
COMPO 6- army preposition, stocks
Who leads the concept and capability development for the army modernization enterprise?
Army futures command
In what month is the president’s budget submitted to Congress?
This individual is responsible for oversight of the army PPBE process
Assistant, secretary of the army, financial management, and comptroller
Which output of the TAA process provides the future for structure the army decided to resource to DOD, and is the basis for cost of resourcing?
ARSTRUC (Army structure)
Which output of the TAA process provides the approved, authorized future force structure, decision for army implementation?
ARSTRUC!!!!! POM (Program, objective memorandum)
What are the two predominant types of army authorization documents?
What army prioritization document serves to focus modernization of limited production on Army 2030 priority formations?
AMPL (Army modernization priority list)
What army prioritization document serves as the established order of precedence (1-end list) approved by the senior army leader ship that guides the distribution of resources?
DARPL (dynamic army resource priority list)
What army prioritization document prioritizes analyze the active component Manning with synchronized army priorities?
ACMG (active component manning guidance)
_________ is the document that denotes the resource approved solution
Authorizations document
__________ is the organizational solution designed for a capability requirement, and denotes the organizational structure of people and equipment designed to perform the required functions that provide the required capability.
Requirements document
The ___________ and BOIP are finalized in the develop organizational models phase of the force development process.
A TOE prescribes, the doctrinal, wartime, mission, the organizational structure, and the personnel and equipment ____________ for a military unit.
_______________ is the four part army document that refines national strategy and combatant command requirements into an executable plan. It is both a primary input to PPBE and influenced by the outcome of PPBE.
ASPS (army strategic planning system)
What phase of the capabilities-based assessment capture solutions using the lens of DOTMLPF-P?
Solutions analysis (FSA)
What is a cyclical, ongoing process?
PPBE (Planning, programming, budgeting, and execution)
What is the DOD’s collaborative joint process used to identify, assess, and prioritize Military needs, gaps, and solutions?
JCIDS (joint capabilities, integration, and development system)
What other analysis occurs simultaneous to the total army analysis (TAA) cycle in which the force design update (FDU) intends to compete?
FIFA (force integration functional area)