F10 Flashcards
Cost components of municipal landfill closures
Equipment to be installed
Facilities to be constructed
Gas monitoring system
Cost of final cover/capping
Internal service fund examples
Central janitorial departments
Central garages
Central purchasing departments
Vehicle maintenance pool for county vehicles
Enterprise fund characteristics and examples
Primarily (>50%) supported by user fees Self-sustaining activities Examples: Public utilities/hospitals/universities Public transportation systems Airports Public housing Lotteries
Criteria of an Enterprise fund
(One of the following)
Activity is financed with debt secured solely by the revenue from fees and charges
Laws require cost of services be recovered by fees
Fees and charges are established in pricing policies.
The orientation of accounting and reporting for proprietary funds is on _________
For governmental funds is on _____________
Income determination;
Source, use and balance of current financial resources
JE to record internal service fund billing another fund for services provided
DR Due from other funds
CR Operating Revenues Control
Required/optional activities to report as supplementary information
Construction reporting under modified approach
Comparison of general fund budgets to actual fund activity
Budget variances (not significant)
Presentation of FS of non-major fund
Fiduciary fund characteristics
Assets are controlled by government
Assets are not derived from revenues generated by the government
Government control of assets is not compromised by external restraints
Government does not have administrative involvement (This is a special revenue fund)
GASB Comprehensive Annual Report components
Introductory Section (unaudited) Basic Financial Statements and Required Supplementary Information (Audited) Statistical Section- 10 years of selected and economic financial date
Components of Basic FS and Supplementary section
(Order is important!) Management's discussion and analysis- supplementary Government-wide financial statements Fund financial statements Notes to the financial statements Required supplementary information
Governmental reporting Accountability types
Operational- Government-wide FS report the extent the government met operating objectives
Fiscal- Fund FS demonstrates that the entity’s actions have complied with public decisions
Primary government criteria
Seperately elected governing body
Legally seperate, AND
Fiscally independent of other state and local governments
Blended Presentation of a Component Unit is appropriate when:
Board of primary government and component unit are the same
Component exclusively serves primary government OR
Organization is not a legal entity
Required Reports in Fund Financial Statements
Governmental funds- Balance Sheet, Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance
Proprietary Funds- Statement of Net Psition, Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position
Fiduciary Funds- Statement of fiduciary net position, Statement of changes in fiduciary net position
Option to not capitalize Artwork and Historical Treasures criteria
Collection is held for public exhibition, not for money
Collection is protected, preserved
There is a policy that proceeds from sales of items will be used to acquire other items