F1-Comprehensive Income-SEC Reporting Flashcards
What is Comprehensive Income?
Comprehensive income is the change in equity (net assets) of a business enterprise during a period from transactions and other events and circumstances from NON OWNER sources.
It is Net Income + Other Comprehensive Income
What is Other Comprehensive Income?
Revenues, expenses, gains, and losses that are included in comprehensive income but excluded from the income statement per GAAP or IFRS.
What is included in OCI?
PUFE likes to Revalue his income.
Pension Adjustments Unrealized Gains and Losses Foreign Currency Items Effective Portion of Cash Flow Hedges Revaluation Surplus (IFRS only)-gains and losses from the revaluation of intangible assets and fixed assets.
What is Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income?
It is a component of equity that includes the total of OCI for the period and previous periods. OCI for current period is “closed” to this account which is reconciled similar to the way RE is reconciled.
According to US GAAP, how can Comprehensive Income be reported?
1) A single statement of comprehensive income (starting with revenues expenses and ….)
2) An income statement followed by a separate statement of comprehensive income that begins with net income (two statement approach)
3) will be going away…statement of changes in equity.
How is OCI to reported? Net of tax or before tax?
Can be either, with one amount shown for income tax expense or benefit shown.
What types of things should be in the notes to Financial Statements?
1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
- IFRS requires a statement of compliance, US GAAP does not.
2) Remaining Notes to the Financial Statements
- contain all other information relevant to decision makers.
3) Related Party Disclosures
How are income taxes to be treated from interim reporting?
It is estimated each quarter. General rule is to multiply the YTD income by the estimated effective tax rate and subtract the result from the provision included in the previous quarter.
What is an operating segment?
1) Engages in business activity from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses (including intercompany revenues and expenses)
2) Operating results are regularly reviewed by Chief Operating Decision Maker
3) Discrete financial information is available.
What should a company’s Opening IFRS Financial Statements consist of?
3 balance sheets, 2 comprehensive income statements, 2 income statements (if using two statement approach), 2 cash flows, 2 changes in equity
What is included on a Securities Offering Registration Statement?
1) Disclosures about the securities being offered for sale
2) The relationship of new securities to the company’s other securities
3) Information similar to that filed in the annual filing
4) Audited Financial Statements
5) A description of business risk factors
What is the Form 10-K
Annual filing with the SEC with audited financial statements prepared using US GAAP.
What is the form 10-Q
Quarterly filing with the SEC with unaudited financial statements
Form 11-K
Annual report of a company’s employee benefit plans
What are Forms 20-F and 40-F
These are annual filings by foreign issuers. 40-F is for canada and 20-F is any other non-US registrant.
What is Form 6-k?
Similar to form 10-Q, but instead is a semi-annual filing required for foreign private issuers.
Form 8-K?
Form filed to report major corporate events.
Forms 3,4, and 5?
Required to be filed by directors, officers, or beneficial owners of more than 10% of a class of equity shares.
What are the SEC requirements for Periods presented in the annual financial statements?
2 balance sheets, 2 income statements, and 3 cash flows
What are examples of related party transactions?
1) Sales, purchases, and transfers of real property
2) Services received or furnished, such as accounting, management, engineering and legal services.
3) Use of Property and equipment by lease or otherwise
4) Borrowings, lendings, and guarantees,
According to US GAAP, what disclosures do not need to be included for Material Related Party Transactions
Compensation arrangements, expense allowances, and other similar items in the ordinary course of business.
What are the IFRS rules in regards to Related Party Disclosures?
Unlike US GAAP, compensation arrangements should be disclosed.
What are the limits of days to file annual financial statements with the SEC?
Large Accelerated Filers: 60 Days
Accelerated Filer: 75 Days
Non-Accelerated Filers: 90 Days