F1-Accounting Standards and Conceptual Frameworks Flashcards
What are the Standard-Setting bodies int the United States?
SEC (Securities Exchange Commission)
CAP (Committee on Accounting Procedures (part of AICPA))
APB (Accounting Principles Board)
FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)
Who has legal authority to establish US GAAP
The SEC has ultimate authority, but has allowed the profession to mostly self-regulate
What role did the CAP play in determining standards?
The committee on accounting procedure was a part time committee of the AICPA that set GAAP from 1939-1959
What role did the APB play in determining standards?
The Accounting Principles Board was a part time committee of the AICPA that determined GAAP from 1959-1973.
What role does the FASB play in determining Standards?
The Financial Accounting Standards Boards is a full-time organization established in 1973. It has determined GAAP since then. It has SEVEN full-time members who serve for FIVE-year terms and may be reappointed to ONE additional five-year term.
As of 2009, what is the single source of authoritative nongovernmental US GAP?
The FASB Accounting Standards Codification
What seven types of literature that had been issued by various standards setters makes up The Codification?
1) FASB-Statements of financial accounting standars, interpretations, technical bulletins, staff positions, staff implementation guides, and statement examples.
2) EITF- (Emerging Issues Task Force)
3) Derivative Implementation Group Issues
4) Accounting Principles Board Opinions
5) Accounting Research Bulletins
6) Accounting Interpretations
7) AICPA (American Institute of CPA)-Statements of position, auditing and accounting guides, practice bulletins, and technical inquiry service.
There are also are some things from the SEC in the codification.
Are Accounting Standards Updates issued by the FASB authoritative literature?
NO, they provide background information, update the Codification, and describe the basis for conclusions on changes in the codification.
What is the IASB?
The IASB is the International Accounting Standards Board. Was established in 2001 as part of the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) foundation. The purpose of the IASB is to develop a single set of high quality, global accounting standards.
It has 15 full-time members and 2 part time members.
Whit is the IFRC?
The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee. established in 2002 to replace the interpretations committee (SIC). Provides guidance on new issues not addressed in the IFRS and international convergence.
What are the SFAC’s in relation to Conceptual Frameworks?
The Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts issued by the FASB. They provide Basic Reasoning of financial accounting concepts for business and nonbusiness enterprises. Will eventually converge with IASB framework to form the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.
What is the Objective of General Purpose Financial Reporting?
The Purpose is disclose the entity’s performance.
The objective of general purpose financial reporting is to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to the PRIMARY USERS of General Purpose Financial Reports in making decisions about providing resources to the reporting entity.
What are Primary Users?
Primary users of general purpose financial reporting (GPFR) are existing and potential investors, lenders, and other creditors.
What is expected of General Purpose Financial Reporting (GPFR)?
Financial information needed includes info about the resources (assets) of the entity, the claims against (liabilities) the entity, and how efficiently and effectively the entity’s management and governing board have discharged their responsibility to use those resources.
This information is used by primary users to assess the reporting entity’s prospects for future net cash inflows to the entity.
What are the Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information?
Relevance and Faithful Representation. Both of these things must be present for information to be useful.
What makes information relevant?
Passing Confirms Money
Predictive Value-needs to be used to help predict future outcomes.
Confirming Value- provides feedback about previous evaluations.
Materiality- entity specific aspect of relevance. Material if an error of the info could affect decisions made by users.
What is required for Faithful Representation?
Completeness, Neutrality, and Free from Error.
What characteristics enhance qualitative characteristics? In other words what enhances the usefulness of information that is relevant and faithfully represented?
Comparability & Consistency
What is the cost restraint in Financial Reporting?
Benefits of reporting the information must be greater than the cost of obtaining and presenting the info.
What are the characteristics of a non-business organization?
1) Significant portion of resources come from contributions and grants.
2) Their operating purposes are other than to provide goods or services for profit.
3) They lack ownership interests that can be sold, transferred, or redeemed.
What is SFAC no. 5?
Recognition and Measurement of Financial Statements
What makes up a full set of financial statments
1) Statement of Financial Position (balance sheet)
2) Statement of Earnings (Income Statement)
3) Statement of Comprehensive Income
4) Statement of Cash Flows
5) Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity
What is recognition?
Recognition is the process of formally recording or incorporating an item in the financial statements of an entity and classifying it as an asset, liability, equity, revenue, or expense.
What are some ways (and exampls) that things can be measured for assets and liabilities?
Historical cost- PP&E
Current Cost-Inventory
Net Realizable Value-AR
Current Market Value-Marketable securities
Present Value of Future Cash Flows-LT Debt/Bonds
What are the 10 Fundamental Assumptions of US GAAP?
1) Entity Assumption- (corp not individual)
2) Going Concern Assumption (will operate for forseeable future)
3) Monetary Unit Assumption
4) Periodicity Assumption-years/quarters
5) Historical Cost Principle- General rule info is accounted for and based on cost, not CMV.
6) Revenue Recognition Principle
7) Matching Principle
8) Accrual Accounting
9) Full Disclosure- the footnotes are required for completeness and full disclosure
10) Conservatism Principle
When should revenue be recognized?
When it is earned and when it is realized or realizable.
When is a revenue earned?
When the entity has substantially accomplished what it must to be entitled to the benefits represented by the revenues.
Revenue Realized or Realizable?
Revenue is realized when you have already been paid and realizable when you have the expectation of receiving the revenue. Will be accrued in that case.
What is the matching principle?
All expenses incurred to generate a specific amount of revenue in a period are matched against that revenue.
What is the conservatism Principle?
The method that is least likely to overstate the assets and understate liabilities in the current period should be selected. IE defer good news and book expense now.
What are the only 2 assumptions of the IASB framework?
1) Accrual Basis Accounting
2) Going Concern
What are the elements of the financial statements?
Income Statment= Revenues, Expenses, Gains (non-op), Losses (non-op)
Balance Sheet= Assets, Liabilities, Equity
Investment by Owners (stock)
Distribution to Owners (dividend)
What is comprehensive income?
Net Income + Other Comprehensive Income
All differences between beginning equity and ending equity other than transactions with owners.
The income derived from equity investments.
IFRS can put PP&E at Market Value? T or F
Does GAAP need to be followed for Managerial Accounting…Internal Accounting?
What are the Five Elements of Present Value Measurement?
1) Estimate of Future Cash Flow (there is uncertainty)
2) Expectations about timing variations of future cash flows (timing will vary)
3) Time value of Money (risk free rate of interest)
4) The price for bearing uncertainty (credit risk)
5) Other factors (ie liquidity, market imprefections)
If fair value cannot be determined what should be done?
The objective should be to obtain an estimate of fair value (present value of future cash flows)
What are the two approaches to Present Value?
1) Traditional Approach- One discount rate used to take PV of future cash flow stream. Used when A&Ls have a contractual cash flows not expected to vary.
2) Expected Cash Flow Approach- You apply risk free rate to the expected cash flows. Example would be warranties of products.