F1 - Accounting Standards Flashcards
What is an asset?
A present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events
What makes something a non current asset?
It is expected to be recovered more than 12 months after the SFP date
What are property, plant and equipment?
Tangible items that are held by an entity for use in production or supply, and are expected to be used during more than one period
What are PPE initially recognised at?
Cost - purchase price (excl VAT), direct costs of bringing the asset to location and condition for use, estimated cost of dismantling and removing the asset
When are subsequent expenditures capitalised?
When they provide incremental benefit or increase the useful economic life
Can day to day servicing costs be capitalised?
No - they are revenue expenses
What is the cost model of measurement of assets after acquisition?
All non current assets other than land should be depreciated over their useful economic lives down to their residual value
How often should the useful economic life of non current assets be reviewed?
At least each financial year end
What is the revaluation model of measurement of assets after acquisition?
Revaluing an asset to its fair value - the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date
What is the financial accounting standard for Non Current Asset valuation?
IAS 16
When is an asset impaired?
An asset is impaired if its carrying amount is greater than its recoverable amount
What is an assets recoverable amount?
The higher or the value in use and the fair value less costs of disposal
What are 3 possible internal causes of impairment?
- Decline in market value of the asset
- Change in technological market
- Increase in interest rates reducing value in use
What are 3 possible external causes of impairment?
- Evidence of obsolescence or physical damage
- Adverse changes in the use of the asset
- Evidence that the asset’s performance is worse than expected
What is the financial accounting standard for Impairment losses?
IAS 36
When can a non current asset be classified as held for sale?
- Seeking a buyer
- Available to be sold immediately
- Likely to be sold
- Expected within one year
What are the 4 steps when an asset is held for sale?
- Update the carrying amount in line with iAS 16
- Revalue at the lower of the carrying amount and the fair value less costs to sell
- Transfer to current assets
- Cease depreciation
What is a lease?
A contract that conveys the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration