F-9 2013 Flashcards
What are the basic sections of external financial reports for governmental entities using the integrated reporting model established by GASB #34?
Management’s discussion and analysis (required supplementary information) –> Government-wide financial statements OR Fund financial statements (reconciled to government-wide financials) –> Notes to the financial statement –> Required supplementary information (RSI) (other than MD&A).
What sections of the external financial reporting model represent the basic financial statements?
Government-wide financial statements, Fund financial statements, Notes to the financial statements.
For governmental enties, what are the detailed external financial reporting requirements?
Reporting government-wide statements: Statement of net position, Statement of activities. Reporting governmental fund financial statements: Balance sheet; Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance; Reconciliation to the governmental-wide statements. Reporting proprietary fund financial statements: Balance sheet / Statement of net position; Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net position; Statement of cash flows, direct format. Reporting fiduciary fund financial statements: Statement of fiduciary net position, Statement of changes in fiduciary net position. Combining statements for major component units: Statement of net position, Statement of activities. Notes to the financial statements: Schedule of changes in capital assets, Schedule of changes in long-term liabilities. Required supplementary information: Management’s discussion and analysis, Budgetary comparison schedules, Pension and infrastructure information.
What is a CAFR? What does it include?
CAFR: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Introductory section: Letter of transmittal, Organizational chart, List of principal officers. Basic financial statements and required supplementary information (GASB #34): Management’s discussion and analysis, Government-wide financial statements, Fund financial statements, Notes to the financial statements, Required supplementary information. Statistical section.
What are the minimum disclosure requirements on the government-wide statement of net position?
Primary government: Government activities, Business-type activities, Total primary government activities. Discretely presented component units.
What are some of the major topics included in Management’s Discussion & Analysis (MD&A)?
Diescription of the basic financial statements, Identity of the primary government and discrete component units, Economic conditions and outlook, Major initiatives.
Identify the three components of net position displayed on government-wide financial statements.
Invested in capital assets, net; Restricted (by category); Unrestricted.
Define infrastructure assets, and describe where they are reported.
Infrastructure assets refer to streets, bridges, gutters, water systems, and other assets of the government. They are reported as assets in the government-wide statements, at historical cost and depreciation unless certain conditions are met for reporting using the modified approach.
What is the appropriate reporting treatment of donated works of art and historical treasures held by a governmental organization?
Governments may elect not to capitalize donated works of art if works are protected and displayed and proceeds from any future sales are going to be reinvested in other works.
When are eliminating entries made as part of preparing government-wide financial statements?
Interfund activities between funds that are consolidated within governmental or business-type activity reporting categories are eliminated when preparing government-wide financail statements.
List the components of program revenues in the statement of activities. (SOC)
Service charges, Operating grants and contributions, Capital grants and contributions.
State the reporting treatment of internal service funds.
Activity resulting from internal service funds are reported in proprietary funds but should be reported in the governmental activities column of the government-wide financial statements unless the government’s enterprise funds are the primary recipient of internal service fund services.
What is the format of the government-wide statement of activities?
The government-wide statement of activities is presented in a net cost format defined as follows: Revenues separated into program revenues (SOC) and general revenues. Expenses are reduced by program revenues resulting in net (expense) revenue and changes in net position. General revenues, extraordinary items, and special items are reported separately. REsult is change in net position.
What is the threshold for identification as a major fund?
Total assets and deferred outflows of revenue, liabilities, and deferred inflows of revenue, revenues, or expenditures/expenses of the individual fund are: At least 10% of the corresponding total for fund category to which the major fund belongs; and At least 5% of the corresponding total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined.
Name some significant potential reconciling items between fund balance accounts displayed on the balance sheet of the governmental funds’ financial statements and net position displayed in the government-wide balance sheet.
Reconciling items may result from differences in measurement focus or basis of accounting. (GALS BARE). Govermental Fund Equity (Fund Balances) + Assets (noncurrent) - Long-term debt + Internal Services Fund net position. Basis of accounting, Accrual differences resulting in receivables or payables for, Revenue converted from modified to full accrual or Expenses.
Name some significant potential reconciling items between changes in fund balance displayed on the statement of revenues expenditures and changes in fund balance in the governmental funds’ financial statements and the change in net position displayed in the government-wide balance sheet.
Reconciling items may result from differences in measurement focus or basis of accounting. (GOES BARE). Govermental fund changes in fund balance + Other financing sources (debt proceeds), Expenditure–Capital outlay (net of depreciation) & Principal payments on debt, Service (Internal) fundchange in net position may need to be added.. Basis of accounting, Accrual differences resulting in revenues or expenses for, Revenue converted from modified to full accrual (e.g., accrual of earned tax revenues even though collected more than 60 days after year-end), Expenditures converted to expenses (e.g., accrual of interest expenses).
The statement of cash flows is prepared for which funds? What are the sections of the statement of cash flows?
A statement of cash flows is prepared for proprietary funds. Includes: Cash flows from operating activities, Cash flows from noncapital financing activities, Cash flows from capital and related financing activities, Cash flowsfrom investing activities.