f Flashcards
Histroically iceland had only one period of human migration. THe country has never been invaded and posses a common culture and lanauge. As a result iceland is regarded as a good example of what?
Nation state
Which of the followinjg groups represents a nation without a state
Which of the following correctly lists the usual hierarchy of political adminstriative units in order from the largest to the smallest.
empire, nation state, province, county.
Which of the following terms best describes the political entity of the reupblic of ireland
nation state.
Which of the following best illustatets the geographical concept of a nation state
which of the following terms ientifies the type of regions shown in the dark gray shaded areas of the map
semi autonmous regions
which of the following is not in the defitnion of a state
a common lanauge
owning to their localized geography or their location on islands or peninsulas many small political entities such as those labled on the political map of the world can be identified as
nation states.
based on the map which of the following can be identified as a true statement about northern ireland
it is physically seperate from the rest of the united kingdom, a multinational state
which of the following is an example of balkanization
which of the following explains why the region of catalonia in spain could be a viable country
cantonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in spain.
som territories whithin the russian federeation are charecterized by concentrated populations oth ethnic groups and these areas funciton as autoinmous reupublics. which of the following best explains the political relationship between the autnoimous republics and the central government of russia.
THe automous republics provide ethnic groups with some political control over their homelands which preserving russias territorial integrity
which of the following explains the effect of the french language and culture on the federal state of canadas power
french language can act as a centrifugal force in canada because independece movement in quebec have attempted to secede the proivince form canada
which of the following best explains the concept of the natoin state in its internal cultural policial makeup and spatial organization.
which of the following explains why korea and vietnam were viwed as shatterbelts during the cold war.
korea and vietnam experienced conflict due to a dispute between global powers.
the map above shows the countries in africa where private investors and foreign governments have leased farmaland for a large scale commerical farming usually much of the food produced is bound for wealthy nations. This practice is an exmaple of.
which of the following countries did not not have a singificagt long lasting colonioal presencse in africa after 1920
which of the following terms refers to an area of instablity located between regions with opposing political and cultural values
based on the information in the map what is the most likely outcome of the possible establishment of an independent kurdistan for the kurdish people.
THe kurdish people seeking a state of their own with a majority of the kirdish populatino might secede from or rebel against the states labled on the map.
examinging the countries shown in the white on the map of the fromer yugoslavia which of the follwoing explains why the area would be refered to as a shatterbelt region.
the countries compromise a strategically poisitioned area and have unstable national governments.
which of the following is an exmaple of a shatterbelt region
eastern europe
which of the following best explains th epolitical patterns shown in the table
the develution of yugoslavia occured primarily along the national lines reulting in countries with a defined ethnic majoirty.