Eysenck's Explanation Flashcards
What type is Eysenck’s theory?
A Biopsychosocial theory.
When did Eysenck propose his theory?
What are the two dimensions which Eysenck proposed personality could be measured on?
- Introversion / Extroversion.
- Neuroticism / Stability.
(- He later added psychoticism.)
What personality type did Eysenck say that criminals have?
P E N:
- Psychoticism
- Extroversion
- Neuroticism
Eysenck developed an EPI, what is this?
Eysenck Personality Inventory:
A psychological test which locates respondents along the E and N dimensions to determine their personality type.
Why is psychoticism more common in men?
Because it has been linked to testosterone levels, high testosterone in men means higher psychoticism scores.
What is PEN?
Psychoticism, Extroversion, Neuroticism:
Eysenck described this as the criminal personality.
What are the three personality dimensions that Eysenck presented?
- Extrovert / Introvert
- Neuroticism / Stable
- Psychoticism / Socialisation
What is meant by psychoticism?
Aggression, impulsivity, aloofness, and antisocial behaviour, indicating a susceptibility to psychosis and psychopathic disorders.
Eysenck later added a third dimension to his personality model, what is this dimension?
Psychoticism (/Socialisation).
Which biological factor has been linked to psychoticism?
High testosterone levels.
What did Eysenck link to high levels of extraversion?
Under stimulated nervous system.
Eysenck linked what factor to neuroticism?
A highly reactive nervous system.
What test shows delayed gratification?
The marshmallow test.
Why did Eysenck say that extraversion caused crimes?
Because he said extroverts had an under stimulated nervous system and this causes them to seek external stimulation (through crime).
What is neuroticism?
A chronic level of emotional instability and proneness to psychological distress.
What is extraversion?
The orientation of one’s interests and energies towards the outer world of people and things rather than the inner world of subjective experience.
Why might an extrovert partake in a dangerous crime according to Eysenck?
Because they seek to stimulate their under aroused nervous system.
The theory is a biopsychosocial one, why is it bio?
Biological basis to behaviour, over-reactive nervous system (neuroticism), high levels of testosterone (psychoticism), under-aroused nervous system (extroversion).
The theory is a biopsychosocial one, why is it psycho?
Personality expressed as a result of the biological basis, PEN personality.
What is the marshmallow test?
Children are given a marshmallow and told if they wait for the experimenter to re-enter then they will get two marshmallows. They are left alone with the marshmallow until the researcher returns.
The theory is a biopsychosocial one, why is it social?
Socialisation during childhood, have not learned delayed gratification and therefore cannot be easily conditioned.
Eysenck said that a ‘normal’ person would avoid wrong-doing, why is this?
Because of previous punishment, perhaps during in childhood which conditioned the idea that bad behaviour leads to punishment.
Eysenck said that lack of delayed gratification led to criminal behaviour, what causes a lack of delayed gratification?
Those with high scores on extraversion and neuroticism were less easily conditioned.
What is the role of socialisation in criminality?
Children learn delayed gratification through socialisation, criminals are only concerned with immediate gratification.
Describe Eysenck’s research?
Eysenck and his wife Sybil assessed 2070 male prisoners with the EPI, they were compared to a control group of 2422 males. On measures of P, E and N, prisoners recorded higher scores than the control group which accords with the prediction of the theory.
Which process usually teaches children delayed gratification?
The process of socialisation.
AO3 - Inconsistencies with replication.
Farrington et al (1982) reviewed Eysenck’s study and found offenders tend to score highly on P measures, but not always on E and N. There are also inconsistent differences on EEG studies between E and I, measuring levels of arousal.
AO3 - Single criminal type.
The idea that all offender behaviour can be explained by one personality type is heavily criticised. Digman’s Five Factor Model of personality suggests that there are many dimensions of personality which account for different factors.
AO3 - Cultural bias.
Burtol and Holanchock (1979) looked into cultural differences. Studying Hispanic and African-American offenders in a maximum security prison in New York based on criminal history. It was found that all offender groups were less extraverted than a non-criminal group.
AO3 - Holistic view.
The theory fits well with other biological explanations and considers many factors (biological, psychological and social) which is a more holistic view.
AO3 - Preventative method.
The theory allows for a method of prevention to stop crime. This is because the marshmallow test can be given to children to see if they have learnt delayed gratification and if they have not then they can be taught it through conditioning.
AO3 - Consistency of personality.
It has been criticised that personality cannot be reduced to a singular score and some critics argue that personality is not a stable entity.
AO3 - Validity of EPI.
Personality tests are self-report methods, this mean that they are subjective to each prisoner and the results may be affected by social desirability bias.