Eygpt Flashcards
When was Germany unified and why was it significant for Britain?
1860 and meant there was a large militant nation in the middle of Europe -> Britain needed peace
Significance of the Khedives
Enjoyed a great deal of political freedom
Increasingly relied on European finances to develop economy
Between 1863 and 1870 the debt went from 3 to 100 million despite the Suez Canal
Khedive Ismail was bankrupt by 1876
British and French intervention in Eygpt
They established dual control, a bail out -> entailed the Khedive having to introduce reforms including cutting the pay of the army and increased taxes
Reduced interest on foreign debt to 5%
These were enforced by the Caisse de la Dette
Ottomoman Sultan was persuaded by the British to replace the Khedive with the Khedive’s son Tawfik Pasha
26th June 1879 Ismail was removed by the Sultan
Significance of Arab nationalsim
Colonel Ahmed Urabi led Army officers in a protest against Anglo-French interference, dual control measures and especially army pay
“Eygpt for the Egyptians” - formed Eygptian Nationalist Party in 1879
1879 he led a coup after Tewfik Pasha dismissed 2500 army officers
Forced Tewfik to appoint him and his party as a government and they borrowed £400,000 to make up for cuts to army pay (off Rothchilds bank)
British and France began to be worried that he would reverse all the dual control measures
Why was Egypt strategically important for the British?
80% if shipping that use Suez Canal was British
Disraeli had brought 45% shares in Canal of Brankrupt Khedive
Britain not prepared to see the French dominate the middle east and eastern meditteranean
Why was Egypt important for Britain in terms of trade?
1880 Britain purchased 80% of Egypt’s exports (cotton)
Britain supplied 44% of Egypt’s import
Britain exported 5% of its total goods to Egypt
Why was Egypt financially important for Egypt?
British bond helders who’d leant money to Egypt were exposed to Egypt failing to debts
British government responded to demands of the City of London
37% of Gladstones persoanl fortune was tied up in Egyptian loans
Why was Egpyt significant for Britain in terms of people?
Britain claimed in the short term to be protecting life
11th June 1882 British and French navies anchored off Alexandria
Alexandria was a city of 232,000 (20% European). A riot killed 50 Europeans, the riot was balmed on Ahmed Urabi (Arabi Pashar), incorrectly
Significance of French withdrawal
The Gambeyya note 1882:
- State
Significance of the French’s fear of the Germans
British military Campaign 1882
How was Egypt controlled by the British?
Gladstone reiterated that the advisors to the Khedive (Baring) would withdraw when stability was restored
What was the “Veiled Protectorate”?
Significance of the emergence of radical Islam
Significance of the delay in the British’s withdrawal
Agreement (The Constantinople Convention) was made with Sultan for British withfrawal on 22nd May 1887 BUT…
Sir Evelyn Barings reforms
Success of reforms
Failures of reforms