Eyelids Flashcards
Structure layers
These are two movable folds of tissue situated above and below the front of each eye. There are short curved hair, the eyelashes situated on their free edges. The layers of tissue which form the eyelids are:
• A thin covering of skin.
• A thin sheet of areolar tissue.
• Three muscles—the orbicularis oculi, levator palpebrae superioris and Muller’s muscle.
More layers
Submuscular CT OO plus Tarsal plate k darmiyan Fibrous layer Palprebral fascia+tarsal plqte Levator muscle aponeurosis Muller's muscle
Jogi k andar
A thin sheet of areolar tissue.
Three muscles—the orbicularis oculi, levator palpebrae superioris and Muller’s muscle.
• A thin sheet of dense connective tissue, the tarsal plate, larger in the upper than in the lower eyelid. It supports the other structures.
• A lining of palpebral conjunctiva
Lid margin
Glands of Zeis and moll
Meibomian glands
Glands Skin Tarsal Lid margin Moll glands
Skin: sebaceous and sweat glands Tarsal plate:Meibomian glands are 30-40 upper and 20-30 in lower tarsal plates they open in eyelid margin and produce oily secretion for tear film
Lid margin: glands of zeis are modified sebaceous glands attached to the lash follicle
Glands of moll : these are sweat glands that lie obliquely in contact with the bulb of an eyelash
Blood supply and lymphatic
Medial and palpebral branches of ophthalmic and and lacrimal artery
Nerve supply
Supplies leave letter muscle facial nerves supplies orbiqlarious oculy muscle sympathetic nerves supplies mulars muscle s of thermic and maxillary division supply drop clear nerve Supra orbital nerve lacrimal nerve lower Island by Infra orbital nerve lacrimal nerve