Eye, Skin, Glaucoma Flashcards
Pharmacologic Class: **calcineurin inhibitors **
Examples: tacrolimus and pimecrolimus
Indication: dermatitis when other topicals have failed
* can give to pts** over 2 y.o**.
* BLACK BOX WARNING: don’t give long-term due to increase risk of skin cancer
* may be used overall skin surfaces (including face and neck) because they ahve fewer adverse effects than the topical corticosteroids
* Adverse effects include burning nad stinging on broken skin
Adams, p. 803
psoriasis treatment
- primary initial tx - topical corticosteroids (if high-potency formulation, should not be used on face and genital areas)
- methotrexate - severe psoriasis when topical treatment fails; also used to tx some cancers
- cyclosporine - severe psoriasis in adults when topical treatment fails - immunosupressant used in transplant patients
Uses: severe psoriasis when topical treatment fails; also used to tx some cancers
blocks synthesis of folic acid
monitor for deficiency of folic acid
monitor for bleeding
monitor for pulmonary toxicity (avoid inhaling drug particles)
decreased **immune system **
photosensitivity - avoid skin to sun exposure; use sunscreen?
Uses: severe psoriasis in adults - when topical therapies have failed; also used in pts transplant
make sure they aren’t immunocompromised
monitor for WBC - low wbc increased risk of infection
s/s of infection:
fever, temperature, chills,
clammy, sweaty
hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic
permethrin (NIX)
* available in cream, lotion, or shampoo
* kills head and crab lice, and mites
* treatment of choice for lice and scabies
* for lice 1% shampoo or lotion
* can get OTC
* for scabies 5% lotion
Bonus: remain on hair and scalp 10 minutes before removal
*successful elmination should include removaing nits iwth nit comb, washing bedding, cleaning or removing objects in contact with head or hair
local reactions may occur: itching, rash, transient tinglign, burning, stinging, erythema, and edema of affected area
Contraindications: lactating women
Acne Vulgaris
Acne Vulgaris
disorder of hair and sebaceous glands
affects 80% of adolescents
benzoyl peroxide - OTC
tretinoin, isotretinoin
oral contraceptives
benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid
benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid
suppress sebum production
1st line drug therapy for mild to moderate acne; most common
minimal adverse effects
anaphylaxis; very rare but can cause facial swelling, tongue, eyes, throat…difficulty breathing
isotretinoin (Accutane)
Pharmacologic Class: Retinoids
oral vitamin A metabolite
**pregnancy category X ** - req. two negative pregnancy tests
* jaundice - yellowing of eyes, skin
* abdominal pain, esp. on right side
prostaglandin analogs - latanoprost
open-angle glaucoma
maintenance of visual fields, vision, & IOP below 21 mmHg
**peak effect in about 12 hrs
side effect:
lengthening of eyelashes
change in pigmentation of iris (e.g., might turn blue iris to brown color)
tearing, dryness, burning or pain or irritation of eye
beta-adrenergic antagonist - timolol
eye drops:
open-angle glaucoma
has no effects on visual acuity
may take 2 - 4 wks for therapeutic effect
if we administer in way where pt can have systemic absorption can have systemic effects (hypotension, bronchospasms, etc.)