Eye Pathology Flashcards
What is palpebral conjunctiva?
Tightly tethered to tarsus; papillary folds with allergic and bacterial conjunctivitis
What is the fornix?
Contains accessory lacrimal tissue and lymphoid tissue; pseudostratified columnar epithelium rich in goblet cells
What is bulbar conjunctiva?
Covers the surface of the eye; non keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium
What is the limbus?
Intersection between sclera and cornea; transition from conjunctiva to cornea epithelium
What is a freckle?
Increased melanin within basal keratinocyte, melanocytes normal in # but may be slightly enlarged
What is a lentigo?
Linear (non nested) melanocytes hyperplasia restricted to basal cell layer
What is a junctional nevus?
Epidermal nests along the dermoepidermal junction
What is a compound nevi?
Junctional grows into underlying dermis at nests or cords
What is an intradermal nevi?
Epidermal nests lost completely
What is a conjunctival nevus?
Nevus in the conjunctiva that is benign
What is a compound cystic nevus?
Compound nevi of the conjunctiva characteristically contain subepithelial cysts lined by surface epithelium
What does sclera consist of?
Mainly of collagen and contains few blood vessels and fibroblasts; hence wounds and surgical incisions tend to heal poorly
What is necrotizing scleritis?
Immune complex deposits (i.e. RA)
Which conditions can cause a blue sclera?
Scleritis thins sclera, increased intraocular pressure thins sclera —> blue = staphylomm, osteogenesis imperfecta, congenital melons is oculi (when accompanied by periocular cutaneous pigmentation called a nevus of Ota)
What is the Bowman layer of the cornea?
Acellular barrier that prevents malignant cells from penetrating from the epithelium to the stroma