Eye Movements and Sensory Integration :( Flashcards
What is Foveation?
Directing the fovea to new objects of interest
What are saccades?
A rapid movement of the eye between fixation points.
Quick ballistic eye movements
Little-no visual perception occurs during a saccade
What do the results of Yarbus show?
Yarbus used contact lenses with small mirrors on them to document the pattern of eye movements made while individuals examined a variety of objects and scenes
Vision= active process + eye movements shift the view several times each second to direct the fovea towards interesting/informative patrs of the scene
The selection of areas of interest as targets of the saccades shows that non-foveal areas of the retina have sufficient resolution to guide the foveae toward these areas for closer examination
Thus, eye movements allow us to scan the visual field, pausing to focus attention on the portions of the scene that convey the most significant information e.g. eyes, nose, mouth on a face
What three antagonistic pairs of muscles control eye movements?
The lateral and medial rectus muscles
The superior and inferior rectus muscles
The superior and inferior oblique muscles
What does visual perception depend on?
Frequent changes in a scene
Normally, our view of the world is changed by saccades, and tiny saccades that continue to move the eyes abruptly over a fraction of a degree of visual arc occur even whenfixating on an object of interest.
Moreover, continual drift of the eyes during fixation progressively shifts the image onto a nearby but different set of photoreceptors.
As a consequenceof these several sorts of eye movements, our point of view changesmore or less continually.
What demonstrates the importance of a continually changing visual scene?
When the retinal image becomes stabilised
If a small mirror is attached to the eye by a contact lens and an image is reflected off the mirror onto a screen
the individual sees the same thing, whatever the position of the eye
every time the eye moves, the projected image moves by exactly the same amount.
Under these circumstances, the stabilized image actually disappears from perception within a few seconds
What innverates extraocular muscles?
Lower motor neurons whos axons form cranial nerves: the abducens, trochlear and the oculomotor
Where does the abducens exit the brain and what extraocular muscle does it innervate?
Abducens exits the brainstem at the pons-medullar junction
It innverates the lateral rectus muscle
Where does the trochlea nerve exit the brainstem and what extraocular muscle does it innervate?
The trochlear nerve exits from the dorsal surface, the caudal midbrain and crosses the midline to innervate the superior oblique muscle on the contralateral side.
Where does the oculomotor nerve exit the brainstem and what extraocular muscles does it innvervate?
The oculomotor nerve exits from the rostral midbrain, medial to the cerebral peduncle
It supplies the rest of the extraocular muscles
It also innervates the levator muscles of the eyelid
What are the different types of eye movements?
There are 5 basic types of eye movement that can be grouped into two functional categories: those that serve to SHIFT the direction of gaze and those that serve to STABILISE GAZE
Shift the direction of gaze:
*Smooth persuit movements
*Vergence movements
Stablilise gaze:
*Vestibulo-ocular movements
*Optokinetic movements
What do stabilising eye movements do?
Maintain foveation
Induced when the head moves and when there are large-scale movements in the visual field
What do shifting eye movements do?
Foveate new targets as they move in visual space
What is the function of saccades?
Abruptly change the direction of fixation
They range in amplitude from small movements (e.g. made while reading) to larger movements (e.g. made while gazing around a room.)
Can be elicited voluntarily, but they occur reflexively whenever the eyes are open, even when they are fixated on a target.
What are smooth pursuit movements?
Slower tracking movements of the eyes designed to keep a moving stimulus on the fovea once foveation is achieved.
Under voluntary control as the observer can choose whether or not to track a moving stimulus