Eye disorders Flashcards
Episcleritis is the inflammation of ______ and is most commonly _______ and found in ________.
It is often ________ or associated with _______ (ex:_________), ________, or _____________
idiopathic autoimmune disease (ex: rheumatoid arthritis), infection, hypersensitivity rxn
Symptoms of episcleritis is ______, _______, it _________ with phenylephrine, and vision ________ affected. The two types are _______ and _______, and treated by _________, ___________, _________
redness, lacrimation, BLANCHES, IS (not sight threatening)
being left alone, topical NSAIDS or lubricants, no smoking
Scleritis is inflammation of the _______ and symptoms include______, _________ with or without, VISION ______ affected and __________ occur with phenyephrine.
Treatment includes_______ and the 3 types are__________
extremely PAINFUL, redness (vioaeous hue) with or without ciliary flush
vision IS affected
NO Blanching
immediate referal
Posterior, Nodular, and Diffuse anterior
Uveitis is the inflammation of _____ and has _______, __________, ________ presentaions
intraocular part of eye
anterior, intermediate, posterior
Anterior Uveitis (aqueous humor) is ______ common inflammation of the _________ and ___________. Symptoms include________
the most common
iris and ciliary body
ciliary flush, Keratic Precipitates (use slit lamp to see) and Hypopyon (layer of WBC in iris), Posterior synechiae (inversion of iris into pupil)
Intermediate/Posterior (vitreous) symptoms include _____ , _____, vision _____ affected and treatment is______ and______
painless, Floaters present, can affect vision and reduce acuity
consult and corticosteroids
Cataracts is the _________ causing ______. Symptoms include ______ pain or redness, ______ and is ________ (leading cause of _____ blindness world wide).
Risk factors for cataracts are _______, ______, ______, _______, ________ and the 3 types are __________
Diagnosed with ______________ and treatment includes _______, but to receive treatment you MUST have _________, __________, ___________
opacification of the lens causing leukocoria (white pupil- leads to cloudiness)
NO, bilateral, a progressive disease (reversible blindness)
older than 60 yo, diabetes mellitus (systemic dz), corticosteroids, UV Light/ Radiation Exposure, Cigarettes\
Nuclear, Corticol, Posterior capsular
ophthalmoscope or slit lamp
Phacoemulsification Surgery
Vision Impairment, Interfering with ADLs/Occupation, Inc Risk of Fall/ Injury
Retinoblastoma is a_____________ common in ________. Diagnosed by clinical finding of _________ and if left untreated _________ (best chance of living ________, then_______, least likely_______)
Malignant neoplasm of the retina Kids fatal confined to reina metastatic in CNS
Glaucoma is the _____ leading cause of blindness that is associated with ________ and there are 2 types ________ and ________
increased interocular pressure
angle-closure and open angle
acute angle-closure glaucoma is an _______ condition due to the _____________ and the symptoms include _______, ________ that starts ________, _________ around lights_____________ that is ___________ to light
emergent/emergency condition
narrowing of closure of the anterior chamber angle
PAIN, blurred vision that starts peripherally, halos, a FIXED MID-DILATED PUPIL that is not reactive to light
People with __________ are at risk of Acute closure glaucoma. This is participated or made worse with _______
> 60yo, asian, female, farsighted