Eye Assessment ppt Flashcards
Eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland, eye muscles, and bony skull orbit make up the ___ part of the eye.
Sclera, cornea, iris, lens, and retina make up the ___ part of the eye.
The ___ supports internal eye structures.
The ___ has sensory innervation for pain, separates aqueous humor from external env, and permits light transmission thru lens to retina.
The ___ dilates/contracts to control amt of light traveling thru pupil to retina.
The ___ changes in thickness to allow images from varied distances to be focused on retina.
The ___ is the sensory network of the eye, transforms light impulses into electrical impulses that are sent to the cerebral cortex, and cortex interprets impulses as visual objects.
The function of the eye is to transmit ___ stimuli to the ___ for interpretation.
visual, brain
The eye is attached by 4 ___ muscles and 2 ___ muscles.
rectus, oblique
The eye is innervated by CN ___, ___, and ___.
Ptosis (droopy eye) would indicate abnormality w/CN ___.
Both eyes do not focus on an object simultaneously w/___. Pt appears cross-eyed.
W/ ___ ___, one or more extraocular muscles or their nerve supply is impaired.
paralytic strabismus
In ___ ___, pt can focus w/either eye but not w/both simultaneously.
nonparalytic strabismus
Infants eyes form during the first ___ wks of gestation.
___ vision is fully dev at birth. ___ vision dev later.
Peripheral, central
___ forms from immature retinal cells. A ___ reflex appears instead of a normal ___.
Retinoblastoma, white, red
Corneal edema/thickening occurs, diabetic retinopathy worsens, tears have greasy feeling, intraocular pressure falls, ptosis may develop, and subconjunctival hemorrhages may occur in ___ pt’s.
Presbyopia, loss of lens clarity and cataract formation occurs in ___ pt’s
___ ___ is the most common cause of blindness for ind over age 65.
Macular degeneration
W/ ___ ___, tissue breakdown occurs and fluid begins to seep btwn layers of the retina, causing them to ___.
macular degeneration, separate
Symptoms of macular degeneration: ___ spots, ___ of lights, ___ areas in the side vision, ___ or ___ vision.
black, flashes, shadow, wavy, watery
___ is double vision.
___ may be caused by DM, CVA, trauma, or brain tumor.
___ ___ is a deficiency in the way you see color. Have problem differentiating btwn ___ and ___, or ___ and ___.
color blindness, red, green, blue, yellow
Chronic diseases that can affect vision include: ___, ___, and ___.
HTN, DM, glaucoma
When assessing visual acuity, measure for ___ -sighted, ___-sighted, and ___ vision.
near, far, peripheral
Total blindness in one eye can be caused by a lesion in the optic nerve of the ___ side.
___ is caused by a lesion interrupting the optic chiasm.
___ ___ can be caused by a lesion arising in optic nerve radiation on either side of the brain.
Hemonymous hemianopia
Test for ___ vision, ___ vision, and ___ vision.
central, near, peripheral
Test eyes w/ and w/out ___ lenses.
If vision less than 20/20 on snellen/E chart, conduct ___ test.
Inspection w/the ophthalmoscope permits visualization of what 4 things?
optic disc, arteries, veins, retina
___ appear as black densities on eye exam.
There is a lens abnormality w/___, where it becomes ___.
cataracts, cloudy
There is pupil abnormality in ___ syndrome. You will see miosis (constr. of pupil) and ptosis (droopy eyelid)
___ is caused by denaturation of the lens protein w/the aging process.
For pt’s w/___, vision worsens at night-time in the dark.
A ___ ___ is an emergency where pt experiences sudden unexplained flash of light and moving black spots (floaters) in vision.
retinal tear
The Keith-Wagner-Baker (KWB) system is used to evaluate vascular, retina, and optic disc changes in ___ ___.
hypertensive retinopathy
In acute closed angle glaucoma, the vision is ___ and pt may experience severe ___, ___, may see ___, and may have n/v and h/a. The cornea appears ___.
blurry, pain, photophobia, halos, cloudy
___ is cholesterol plaque deposits on eyes, extremities, knees, elbows, etc. Pt’s ___ level will be high.
Xanthelasma, cholesterol
___ ___ is calcium deposits in the superficial cornea.
Ban keratopathy
___ is inflam of the superficial layers of the sclera anterior to the insertion of the rectus muscles. Commonly seen in Chrohn’s, RA, or other autoimmune disorders.
Pt w/___ ___ can have ___ vision, severe ___, ___, a sensation that a ___ ___ is present, and may experience tearing. Sometimes d/t not taking out or changing contacts.
corneal ulcer, blurry, pain, photophobia, foreign body
Pt’s w/___ have erythema and cobble-stone appearance of sclera.
3 types of conjunctivitis:
viral, bacterial, allergic
No change in vision, mild soreness, may have pre-auricular node, serous discharge, no pupillary changes, and conjunctival injection and mild lid edema are all symptoms present in ___ conjunctivitis.
No change in vision, burning, irritation, tearing, purulent/copious discharge, no pupillary change, and conjunctival injection and eyes “glued shut” w/yellow crust in am w/pointing eyelashes are all symptoms present in ___ conjunctivitis.
No change in vision, itching and tearing bilat, mucoid/serous drng, no pupillary change, and bilat conjunctival injection and “boggy” conjunctiva are all symptoms present in ___ conjunctivitis.
___ ___ has a sudden onset and is caused by a rise in venous pressure such as coughing, hvy lifting, sneezing, or vomiting. Make sure b/p in pt’s w/HTN are being controlled.
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
___ is a red/blood shot eye w/pain, sensitive to light, blurry vision, and different size pupils/sluggish or fixed. Is an emergency.
___ (aka stye), is an acute suppurative inflam of the follicle which is generally caused by staph organisms.
___-___ is inflam and swelling in one or more meibion (oil) glands of the eyelid.
___ is crusting along the eyelashes at the bases. Usually caused by bacterial infection, seborrhea, psoriasis, allergies, or a manifestation of rosacea.
___ pupils can be normal, but can also be caused by eye medication or destruction of unilateral sympathetic or parasympathetic pupillary pathway.
___ is outward rotation of lower eyelid. Common in ___.
Ectropion, elderly
___ is inward rotation of lower eyelid.
___ is drooping of the eyelid, representing a CN ___ problem.
Ptosis, III
___ is a protrusion of the globes forward. Most commonly seen in ___ disease.
Exophthalmos, Grave’s
___ is an abnormal growth of conjunctiva from limbus to cornea. Commonly seen in ppl w/over exposure to ___ light and ppl who work ___.
Ptergyium, UV, outdoors
___ is a key-like shape/cat-like of the pupil that is a mutation of ___. There is a gap at the bottom of the eye (6:00) where the pupil is not closed. Can be unilateral or bilat.
Coloboma, PAx2
___ is where the eyes are different colors and is usually hereditary.
CHARGE syndrome stands for:
Coloboma (keyhole-like shape of pupil)
Heart defects
Atresia choanae (problems w/nasal passages)
Retardation of growth and dev
Genital hypoplasia (undescended testicles)
Ear and hearing abnormalities
Grade ___ of the KWB system results in moderate arterial attenuation and focal constriction.
Grade ___ of the KWB system results in arterioles decreased to 1/2 of size w/localized constriction, causing A/V nicking.
Grade ___ of the KWB system results in cotton wool spots, exudates, elshnig spots, and hemorrhages.
Grade ___ of the KWB system results in papilledema.
A/V nicking indicates long-standing ___ and can predispose to branch ___.
HTN, occlusion
Papilledema can l/t ___ star.
___ ___ is one of the leading causes of blindness and risk increases as disease worsens.
Diabetic retinopathy