Eye and Orbit 3 Flashcards
foramen of III, IV and VI
superior orbital fissure
opthalmic nerve branches
lacrimal, nasociliary and frontal (supraorbital and supratrochlear)
opthalmic artery is a branch off
the internal carotid
through what foramen does the opthalmic artery enter the orbit
optic foramen
central retinal artery
branch of opthalmic runs at centre of optic nerve. supplies inner layers of retina
short posterior ciliary arteries
branch off opthalmic supply choroid (hence outer retina layers)
long posterior ciliary arteries
branch off opthalmic. supplies anterior choroid, ciliary bodies and iris
where on the ICA does the opthalmic branch off from
intracranial part
where do the superiori and inferior veins drain
into the cavernous sinus
what artery passes through the cavernous sinus
internal carotid artery