Eye and Ear Assessment Flashcards
What does the cornea do?
Bend the incoming light so it can be focused on the inner retina
Produces the color of the eye- it contracts and dilates- moving with light
Controls amount of light that is reaching the retina - size of pupil determined by the amount of light and accomodation (distance of object)
Visual receptive, inner layer of eye - changes light waves into light impulses
Visual pathways
Right vision of the eye is controlled by the left side of the brain and vice versa. World on the left side is viewed by the right side of the brain.
What is accomodation ?
Its about focusing - its the adaptation of the eye for near vision. Pupils constrict or dilate based on the distance of the object
When do the eyes form ?
During the first 8 weeks of gestation
Aging factors regarding eyes
Decreased tear production; visual acuity decreases at approx age 40; cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, arcus senilis
What subjective info do we need to collect about the eye ?
Visual changes Pain Trauma Redness Swelling Discharge Watering Dryness Surgery Medication Past medical history Health promotion use of glasses family history
Extra subjective data for infants and children?
Vaginal infection (mom, not baby) at time fo delivery Infant premature? Developmental milestone Safety precautions Strabismus, diplopia
What kind of objective data is needed for eyes?
Snellen Chart- for vision Rosenbaum chart- near vision Penlight Ophthalmoscope Opaque Card
What does an ophthalmoscope do?
Enlarges view of eye and allows visualization of internal structures
What does the Snellen Chart do ?
Used to screen visual acuity
Contains letters of graduated sizes at 20 feet
The numbers at the end of the chart indicate the degree of visual acuity when read from 20 feet- it is the distance from which a person with “normal” vision could read the lettering
“This patient read at 20- feet what a
“normal” person could read at
30 feet!!
What is the confrontation test?
Compares the person’s peripheral examiner against the examiners
What does EOM stand for?
Extraocular muscle