exw first aid Flashcards
Discuss Heat
weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and loss of appetite
ashen gray, the skin cool,
moist, and clammy and the pupils may be dilated
Move the casualty to a cool or air-conditioned area.
Loosen the clothing, apply cool wet cloths to the head, maxilla, groin, and ankles, and fan the casualty
Causes and treatment: Shock?
state of inadequate tissue perfusion resulting in a decreased amount of oxygen
to vital tissues and organs.
3 major types
Describe Venous? Treatment?
- Dark red; Steady even flow
- Treatment: Direct pressure applied directly to the wound
How do you treat for shock?
Warm the body
Bend legs up toward chest to get blood circulating to heart
and vital organs
What are the different
types to transport
Strokes stretcher Blanket drag Fireman Carry Arm Carry Pack-strap Carry
TCCC - Care Under Fire?
- Return fire/take cover
- direct casualty to move to cover
- airway management
- stop life threatening bleeding
Discuss TCCC category:
relatively minor injuries and can effectively care for themselves
2 types of fractures
purpose of first aid
prevent death, further injury, minimize infection
Symptoms and treatment of:
First Degree burn?
- Symptoms: Epidermal layer, pain mild/severe, heals within a week
- Treatment: Remove heat source, clean to prevent infect.
What is Frost bite?
Frostbite is classified as superficial or deep,
Occurs 32 degrees or lower
Treatment: re-warm and Protect the tissue from additional injury and keep it as clean as possible (use
sterile dressings and linen
Treatment for Eye injuries
Apply dry sterile dressings
cover both eyes
What does SCAB stand for ?
- Secure Scene
- Circulation
- Airway
- Breathing
What is Hypothermia?
General cooling of the whole body is caused by continued exposure
possible cpr
rewarm asap
use warm water and liquids
How would you treat a chest
Open Chest wounds: Ensure an open airway
Seal the wound. Both entrance and exit with Asherman Chest Seal
Closed Chest wounds/Tension Pneumothorax:
Ensure an open airway
Decompress the affected side by: catheter into lung
Symptoms and treatment of:
Electrical burns?
Symptoms: Entrance and exit wounds
Treatment: turn off power source, CPR; treating for shock; covering wounds with a dry dressing,
Symptoms and treatment of:
Second Degree Burn?
- Symptoms: Epidermal blisters, recovery 2-3 weeks, most painful
- Treatment: Remove heat source, clean to prevent infect, get to the hospital.
TCCC - Tactical Evacuation?
- Same as Tactical Field Care
- Moving the patient(s) to higher echelon of care.
Discuss the treatment of Shock
- Maintain ABC’s.
- Spinal Immobilization (if mechanism of injury causes a high suspicion of spinal
injury) . - Oxygen therapy to keep oxygen saturation >92% (if available).
- Obtain IV access and give fluids, if necessary.
- Trendelenburg position (head down, feet elevated).
- Keep patient warm.
Treatment for Head wounds
Stabilization of the casualty’s head
Check the casualty’s vital signs. Ensure injured is AVUP
A–alert. V–verbal. P–pain. U–unresponsive.
Treatment for Facial Wounds
- Clear the airway if compromised.
- Control bleeding.
- Treat for shock
- Protect the wound.
- Turn patient on side or lean over to keep airway clear
Discuss TCCC category:
includes those that require lifesaving surgery
What is another name for the gas mask?
What does HNS CASPER stand for?
- Head
- Neck
- Shoulder
- Chest
- Abdominals
- Spine
- Pelvis
- Extremities
- Repeat
Discuss heat
20 percent mortality rate extremely high body temperature Breathing will be deep and rapid , later shallow almost absent very dry pupils will be constricted Maintain an open airway. Place the casualty on his back head slightly raised
are available, place them under the arms, around the neck, at the ankles, and in the groin.
Expose the casualty to a fan or air conditioner, since drafts will promote cooling. Immersing the casualty in a cold
water bath is also very effective.
If the casualty is conscious, give cool water to drink. Do not give any hot drinks or stimulants
Discuss TCCC category:
includes those wounded who are badly in need of time-consuming surgery
Discuss symptoms of shock and its
- Symptoms: Clammy skin, weak rapid pulse, pale skin, and confusion
- Treatment: move to cover, elevate legs above heart, loosen clothing, prevent chilling
Hypovolemic shock
loss of intravascular volume
What does M.I.S.T mean?
M - Mechanism of injury
I- Injuries or Illness sustained
S- Symptoms and Vital Signs
T- Treatment Given
three types of bleeding.
Causes and
treatment: Cardiac
cause: complete stoppage of heart
- treatment: CPR or AED
Causes and treatment: Burns
maintain airway
remove clothing
protect burn area
dress it
Cardiogenic shock
heart failing to pump blood adequately
Symptoms and treatment of:
Third Degree Burns?
- Symptoms: Burns to the bone, tissue/nerves destroyed, pain at burn site will be absent if nerve
endings are damaged. - Treatment: Remove heat source, clean to prevent infect.
What are the different lines
in the MEDEVAC Nine Line?
- Location of the pick-up site
- Radio frequency, call sign, and suffix
- Number of patients by precedence: A - Urgent B - Urgent Surgical C - Priority D - Routine E -
Convenience - Special equipment required:
A - None B - Hoist C - Extraction equipment D - Ventilator - Number of patients:
A - Litter B - Ambulatory - Security at pick-up site
- Method of marking pick-up site
- Patient nationality and status
A - US Military B - US Civilian C - Non-US Military D - Non-US Civilian E - EPW - NBC Contamination/ Terrain description
TCCC Triage Categories?
- Immediate
- Delayed
- Minimal
- Expectant (verge of death)
Symptoms and treatment of:
Chemical Burns?
- Symptoms: Chemical or another material causing heat exposure
- Treatment: Flush w/ water, remove clothing, baking soda (if acids), go to hospital
Causes and treatment:
cause: airway obstruction, deficient supply of oxygen to the body
- treatment: clear airway
Whats the rules of nine?
- Used to give a rough estimate on the total surface area burned
A first-degree burn over 50 percent of the body surface area (BSA) may be more
serious than a third-degree burn over 3 percent.
Describe Capillary? Treatment?
- Dark Red; Oozes out slowly
- Treatment: Pressure dressing.
Causes and treatment:
cause: cut/loss of limb; severe loss of blood
- treatment: direct pressure = bandage
indirect pressure = stop cap;
tourniquet = last resort
(Vasogenic) shock
vascular container (blood vessels) dilate (enlarge) without a proportional increase in fluid volume