EXTRAS: Papers and tedtalks Flashcards




She explains that many businesses have promised to shift their businesses model by by serving all the stakeholders not just sharehlders. This is A need change as parenting is similar to stakeholder capitalism each member has unique interests and decision making same happens with employees need of a living wage or pension funds need tpo earn a positive return.

She says that to serve all the stakeholders we need to reset and GET everyone involved. that is, with a boardroom that looks after the needs and interests of stakeholders.

-> for example: Corporate world can learn from nonprofit world
Miss Hunt chair a charity called”Teach First” that produces teachers and schools. in this charity the boardroom members are activists, technologists and civil servants which have little fit for educational charity BUT HAVE REAL EXPERIENCE with stakeholders.

that means real change wont happen until we change who governs and fot what purpose.

  1. ENVIRONMENT “the big E”
    CEO´s need achivable, concrete, measurable GOALS.
    -> example NATURA
    4th largest cosmetic company in the world that make usual pofits and losses statement to executes but the other profits and losses MAKES NATURA SPECIAL as one measures how they do for the environment (i.e counting seeds planted) and the other measures impact on society (i.e jobs created)
    -> exammple SHELL
    working with activisit and pension funds they set three year goals to reduce their net carbon footprint -> targets are linked to the BONUSES of top 150 decision makers of FUTURE WAGES of employees depends on how good they treat mother earth.
  2. THE SUPPLIERS: “the hidden stakeholders”
    The success or failure of your business will depend on your suppliers and partnerships.
    ->example: Kal Tire CHILE
    company that produces tires for big trucks rose to 15% the likehood of women to get the job by building arm machinery and learning-
  3. CUSTOMERS “the most visible stakeholders”
    consumers should not be harm by a product, good or service we produced.
    -> example: Access to nutrional foundation to track salt, fat or sugar that global food and drink companies include in their products.
    -> Nestle: reduced sugar in breakfast cereal
    -> Unilever: reduces volume and calories in Ice Cream
    therefore, consumer needs change over time, aligns with goverments. Now people are trying to improve eating habits.
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Explain Huang et al. paper



Authors expalin their vision of Journal of Service Research (JSR) for JSR to further advance his leadership in service research.

  1. How Artificial Intelligence Shapes Service -> HUANG
    He argues that Artificial Intelligence Technologies, will have a profound IMPACT ON SERVICE.
    As service task can be more and more performed by AI, it is predicted to give rise to the FEELING ECONOMIY in which role of human nature in service (e.g. human emotions, interactions, and relationships) is needed. Also AI in collaborating with humans for soft service is the big picture they foresee to explore the service research frontiers.
    a sustainable future requires sustainable service!
    -> Service should be sustainable and service research must be socially responsible.
    -> UN goals calls on companies to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies. it is complex because there are many stakeholders and competing objectives.
    TO move service research forward into the sustainable direction:
    (for example: optimizing the relationship between commercial and social innovations, making sustainability a key part of the experiences created for customers, employees and other stakeholders. among others.)
  3. The Human Side of Service -> Noble
    - > the retail/service marketplace is changing at incredible speeds. new business models are emerging and frontline employees’ jobs are shifting as they try to provide value to customers in this turbulent environment.
    - > tackling new problems faced by consumers such as elderly or vulnerable groups bottom of pyramid as there is potential to improve their quality of life and well-being.
    - > she encourages all author teams to move beyond data or scenario-based experiments to something more real. move service research by having findigs that are relevant in realworld settings.
    Not only service customers are affected by new digital technologies, also service employees.
    -> service sector is highly susceptible to automation: Flippy, a SERVICE ROBOT built by Miso Robotics, is intended to serve along with the human service employees in fastfood restaurants.
    -> the current digitalization paradigm shift requires new theories and analytical toolkits to produce relevant findings for the service research. (example: service research reached out to disciplines like computer science, information systems, neuroscience and (big) data analytics.)
    -> digitalization has also opened up service research to an entirely new class of data UNSTRUCTURED DATA such as text, pictures, video, facial expressions and neurodata.
    -> researchers worldwide need to adopt new theories, unstructured data and employ new data analysis techniques.
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Haley Van Dyck

Start-up: United States Digital Services


Van Dyck and her team are using lessons learned by Silicon Valley and the private sector to improve services for veterans, immigrants, the disabled and others in the US Government.

She start talking about the problems and the amount of billions spend in tech services by the US Goverment. Therefore, the star-up United States Digital Services help the government deliver digital service for everyboy at dramatic lower costs.
-> disrupting how the government does business from the inside out.
she gives two examples:

  1. the Inmigration application: that takes from 6 to 8 months to get processed and it is physically shipped thousands of miles. however they developed the I-90 form, replacement of green card and everything can be filed online.
  2. practice civic test to become a US citizen (an online test to help prepare for the test).
  3. Vet.gov
    one website for the us veteran that bring all the online services a veteran needs in one place, specially education and disability benefits
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Nadjia Yousif:

Why you should treat the tech you use at work like a colleague


she offers advice on how to better collaborate with the technologies in your workplace – by treating them like colleagues.

the experiment she was doing is about asking different people of several industries about treating their core technologies like colleagues.

  • > she asked them to draw and organizational chart of the strutucte of their teams. all of the organizational charts included people and their positions. however, the tech members were invisible.
  • > then she redraw the organizational chart with the technologies, those softwares or technologies used by some team member or company positions.

she illustrates this with a Catering company: by showing all the positions with the software they used and therefore explaining those Human and Machine relationships. Also, the status of the collab how the employees felt using the software or programm.
she saw that many relationaships were overloaded to some positions, others could be more collaborative and others were just floating around without no one to used them like Digital Marketing software.
Also there are some technologies that like coworkers are to be retired.

The solution she found was that as a colleague your are interested about to get to know to or learn from you take him or she out for coffee. The experiment was the employees to use one hour of their work to get to know the software (and coffee was optional hehe). at the end it saved weeks of effort to the catering company.

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The Dragon Football Stadium case
The role of servicescape as a driver of customer value in experience-centric service organizations
(Fernandes and Neves, 2013)


Focus on the role of servicescape as a driver of customer experience by analyzing its impact on customer value creation and behavior.

  • experience-centric service organization: a football club
  • regression analysis with 349 questionnaires collected during a match of the Portuguese Football League at Dragon Stadium.
  • servicescape influences consumer perceived value, attitudes, and behavior when creating service experiences: value-in-context generates customers’ satisfaction, which in turn has a positive effect on their desire to REPEAT THE EXPERIENCE.

● Which servicescape dimensions drive the perceived customer value in a football stadium?

  • The servicescape dimensions (physical environment dimensions in facility interior - Space/function)
    1. layout accessibility: furnishings and equipment, service areas, and hallways are organized
    2. facility aesthetics (style of decor): interior design and decoration, which contribute to the attractiveness of the servicescape.
    3. seating comfort ( furnishing) : degree of physical comfort. Represents a nonverbal communication between the customer and the servicescape. Relevant to those customers who remain seated for a long number of hours.
    4. electronic equipment: used to improve the customer experience! High-quality scoreboards projecting instant replays scores or information about players are able to make the waiting times more pleasant and add emotion for the spectator.
    5. facility cleanliness: customers remain in the facility for several hours, associate cleanliness with the quality of the service. customers also tend to select, stay, and return to a service depending on the perceived degree of cleanliness.

● how could the physical surrounding of a football stadium influence a customer’s emotions?
In this paper all physical evidence that is outside, including the parking lot and access to the stadium, were not included.
BUT customers’ experiences of physical surroundings in sports and other experience-centric services are able to evoke customers’ feelings and emotions. fast entry to the stadium, easy and fast parking access (demand= supply of parking spots are important for influence customer mood and attitudes towards the stadium and before the game (facility exterior servicescape)

● what could be a difference between its effects on customers and its effects on employees?

  1. For the customer:
    - Positive perceptions upon the physical environment influence customers’ desire to stay, return, and spend money
    - pleasant environments lead to longer stays and that a longer stay in the facility can mean higher sales profits beyond ticket sale.
  2. For the employee:
    - positive perceptions of servicescape can influence the individual behaviors of employees by affiliation, staying longer, commitment to sale.

● Social interactions in the servicescape had not been integrated - how do you evaluate the influence of the servicescape on social interactions (between customers and between customers and employees)?
Servicescape can influence employees and customer responses and thus the following social interaction. customers and employees in the service encounter can experience dominance, arousal or pleasure (e.g empathy and careness of the employee towards the customer OR dominance, predisposicion or manners of the customer towards the employer).
between customers: can lead to a good/bad mood and attitude, positive/negative referral and wom

● How would you plan a project to measure the influence of the Mensa’s servicescape on the students’ positive word of mouth?

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