Extra Phrases Flashcards
post hoc ergo propter hoc
after this, therefore because of it
caveat lector
let the reader beware
infra dignitatem
beneath dignity
in extremis
at the point of death (in the furthest extreme)
memento mori
remember to die
nil desperandum
do not despair
ex cathedra
from the chair (the Pope’s infallibility)
anguis in herba
snake in the grass
mirabile dictu
miraculous to say
ad hominem
to the man (a personal attack)
noli me tangere
don’t touch me
ceteris paribus
other things being equal
non obstante veredicto
judgement not withstanding the verdict
nolle prosequi
be unwilling to pursue
in limine
on the threshold
ex parte
from the party
currente calamo
offhand; without deep reflection
de profundis
from the depths
ex proprio motu
of his own motion
dis aliter visum
the gods have deemed otherwise
Hannibal ad portas
Hannibal at the gates
deus ex machina
god from machine
nemine contradicente
nobody contradicting
pares cum paribus facillime congregantur
equals with equals very easily associate themselves
finit coronat opus
the end crowns the work
mutatis mutandis
the necessary changes having been made
Fides punica
punic faith (treachery)
mirabile visu
miraculous to see
communis opinio
common opinion
panem et circenses
bread and circuses
mens agitat molem
the mind moves the matter
e pluribus unum
from many, one
annuit coeptis
he has smiled upon our undertakings
in deo speramus
in god we trust
novus ordo seclorum
a new order of the ages
in hoc signo vinces
by this sign you will conquer
citius altius fortius
faster higher stronger
alea iacta est
the die is cast
carpe diem
seize the day
cave canem
beware the dog
rex non potest peccare
the king can do no wrong
we command (corrects the mistake of a court)
urbi et orbi
to the city and to the world
said by the Pope
suum cuique
to each his own
nimium amator ingenii sui
a lover of his own words
quo vadis
where are you going?
asked of Jesus by Saint Peter
obiter dictum
an incidental remark
ex nunc
from now on
in terrorem
in fear (usually a legal threat)
per stirpes
by branch (used legally to refer to relatives)
horae subsicivae
leisure hours
nec caput nec pedes
in confusion
aqua et igni interdictus
nascitur non fit
born not made
de pilo pendet
hanging by a hair
genius loci
a protective spirit of a place
ultima Thule
limit of any journey
terra incognita
unknown land (found at the edge of maps)
in a series
post obitum
after death
nemo est supra leges
no one is above the law
ius gentium
law of nations
lex talionis
an eye for an eye
dramatis personae
actors in a play
de proprio motu
post partum
after childbirth
ne fronti crede
basically means “don’t judge a book by its cover”