Extensive College Mottos Flashcards
New York University
perstare et praestare
to persevere and surpass
Yale University
lux et veritas
light and truth
Campbell University
ad astra per aspera
to the stars through difficulties
Johns Hopkins University
veritas vos liberabit
the truth shall set you free
University of Michigan
artes scientia veritas
arts, knowledge, truth
Duke University
eruditio et religio
knowledge and faith
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
mens et manus
mind and hand
University of Texas
disciplina praesidium civitatis
training, the defense of the state
Fordham University
sapientia et doctrina
wisdom and learning
Harvard University
dominus illuminatio mea
the lord is my light
Columbus College
primus inter pares
first among equals
hinc lucem et pocula sacra
from here, light and sacred droughts
University of North Dakota
lux et lex
light and law
Princeton University
dei sub numine viget
under God’s power may she flourish
University of Washington
lux sit
let there be light
Curry College
rem tene verba sequentur
understand the content, the words will follow
Amherst University
terras irradient
they will illuminate the earth
Boston College
religioni et bonus artibus
religion and good skills
Brigham Young University
virtus veritas visum
virtue, truth, wisdom
Hunter College
mihi cura futuri
my care is for the future
University of Paris
hic et ubique terrarium
here and anywhere on earth
Columbia University
in lumine tuo videbimjs lumen
in your light we shall see the light
Georgetown University
utraque unum
both are one
Colorado College
scientia et disciplina
knowledge and training
Trinity College
pro ecclesia et patria
for church and country
University of Notre Dame
vita dulcedo spes
life, sweetness, hope
University of Chicago
crescat scientia, vita excolatur
let knowledge grow, let life be enriched
University of Florida
civium in moribus rei publicae salus
the welfare of the state depends on the character of its citizens
Alfred College
fiat lux
let there be light
University of Madrid
libertas perfundet omnia luce
freedom will flood all things with light
Dartmouth College
vox clamantis in deserto
the voice of one crying in the wilderness
Albion University
fiat lux
let there be light
University of the South
ecce quam bonum
behold how good
Arizona State University
ditat deus
God enriches
Florida State University
vires artes mores
strength, arts, morals
Shepherd University
plus ultra
more beyond
City College of New York
respice, adspice, prospice
look to the past, look to the present, look to the future
Trinity University
e tribus unum
from three, one
Jacksonville University
fiat lux
let there be light
Brooklyn College
nil sine magno labore
nothing without great labor
U.S. Naval Academy
ex scientia tridens
from knowledge, sea powerp
Connecticut College
tanquam lignum quod planatum est secus decursus aquarum
like a tree planted by the rivers of water
Bryant College
educando dirigere mercaturim
education for business leadership
Davidson College
alenda lux ubi orta libertas
let liberty be cherished where liberty has risen
Brown University
in deo speramus
in God we trust
Emory University
cor prudentis possidebit scientiam
the heart of a sensible person will possess knowledge
Florida A&M University
excellentia cum carundo
excellence with caring
Florida Institute of Technology
spes scientia facultas
hope, knowledge, opportunity
Wellesley College
non ministrari sed ministrare
not to be served but to serve
Emerson College
deus protector noster
God our protector
University of Rochester
always better
Florida Southern University
lex sapientia lux
law, wisdom, light
Bryn Mawr College
veritatem dilexi
I have loved the truth
George Washington University
deus nobis fiducia
God to us is confidence
Hawthorne College
cum scientia honor
with knowledge, honor
Idaho State University
veritas vos liberabit
the truth shall set you free
Jones College
veritas et amicitia
truth and friendship
Lake Superior State College
si quaeris paeninsulam amoenam, circumspice
if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you
Marietta College
lux et veritas
light and truth
Miami Christian University
Christus Rex
Christ the Lord
Miami University
prodesse quam conspici
to accomplish rather than to be conspicuous
Mississippi College
veritas et virtus
truth and virtue
Shephard University
ne plus ultra
Ohio Wesleyan University
in lumine tuo videbimus lumen
in your light we shall see the light
Ottawa University
veritas vos liberabit
the truth shall set you free
Providence College
University of Tampa
esse quam videri
to be rather than to seem
South Carolina State College
scientia officium honor
knowledge, duty, honor
Knox College
Stetson University
pro deo et veritate
for god and truth
Tufts University
pax et lux
peace and light
United States Coast Guard Academy
scientiae cedit mare
to give knowledge of the sea
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
acta non verba
acts, not words
University of California (Berkeley)
fiat lux
let there be light
University of California (Los Angeles)
fiat lux
let there be light
Salem College
I point the way
University of Deleware
scientia sol mentis
knowledge, the sun of the mind
University of Denver
pro scientia et religione
for knowledge and spirit
University of Georgia
et docere rerum exquirere causas
to teach and to inquire into the causes of things
Magdalen College
gaudium et spes
joy and hope
University of Illinois
labor omnia vincit
work conquers all
University of Kansas
videbo visionem hanc magnam quare non comburatur rubus
I shall see this great vision whereby the bush is not burned up
Rollins College
fiat lux
let there be light
University of Maine
I point the way
University of Miami
magna est veritas
great is the truth
University of Minnesota
commune vinculum omnibus artibus
a common bond for all the arts
University of Mississippi
pro scientia et sapientia
for knowledge and wisdom
University of Missouri
salus populi
the welfare of the people
University of Montana
lux et veritas
light and truth
University of Nebraska
literris dedicata et omnibus artibus
dedicated to letters and all the arts
University of New Mexico
lux hominum vita
light, the life of man
University of Oklahoma
civi et reipublicae
for the state and for the republic
University of Oregon
mens agitat molem
the mind moves mass
University of Ottowa
deus scientiarum dominus est
god is the Lord of sciences
University of Pennsylvania
leges sine moribus vanae
laws without morals are vain
University of Pittsburgh
veritas et virtus
truth and virtue
University of Portland
veritas vos liberabit
the truth will set you free
University of Scranton
religio mores cultura
religion, morals, culture
University of Toronto
velut arbor aevo
as a tree with age
University of Vermont
studiis et rebus honestis
to honorable pursuits and deeds
Virginia Intermont College
nil sine numine
nothing without divine guidance
Wake Forest University
pro humanitate
for humanity
Waldorf College
lux et veritas
light and truth
Washington and Lee University
non incautus futuri
not incautious of the future
Indiana University
lux et veritas
light and truth
Washington University
per veritatem vires
strength through truth
Colgate University
deo ac veritati
for god and for truth
Wesleyan University
scientia et pietas
knowlege and piety
Cornell College
deus et humanitate
god and humanity
University of Berlin
universitas litterarum
the entity of sciences
University of Lincoln
excellentia per studium
excellence through study
Presbyterian Ladies’ College
lex dei vitae lampas
the law of god is the lamp of life
Howard University
veritas et utilitas
truth and service
Roanoke College
palmam qui meruit ferat
let him who earns the palm (reward) wear it
Rutgers University
sol iustitiae et occidentem illustra
sun of righteousness, shine upon the west also
Ryerson University
mente et artificio
mind and skill
Marquette University
numen flumenque
god and the river
Ohio State University
disciplina in civitatem
learning for the state
Providence College
Queens College
discimus ut serviamus
we learn so that we may serve
Erskine College
scientia cum moribus conjuncta
knowledge joined with morals
Ohio Wesleyan University
in lumine tuo videbimus lumen
in your light we shall see the light
Franklin & Marshall College
lux et lex
light and law
Mercyhurst University
carpe diem
seize the day
Plymouth State University
ut prosim
that I may serve
Scripps University
incipit vita nova
here begins new life
Evergreen State College
omnia extares
let it all hang out
Stevens Institute of Technology
per aspera ad astra
through difficulties to the stars
University of Wisconsin
numen lumen
god, our light
University of South Carolina
emollit mores nec sinit esse feros
it softens one’s manners and does not allow them to be cruel
University of South Dakota
University of Edinburgh
nec temere nec timide
neither recklessly nor timidly
Portland State University
doctrina urbi serviat
let knowledge serve the city
Waynesburg College
fiat lux
let there be light
University of Massachusetts
ense petite placidam sub libertate quietem
with the sword she seeks calm peace under liberty
Tulane University
non sibi sed suis
not for herself, but for her own
Concordia University
Christi crux est mihi lux
the cross of Christ is my light
Central Missouri State University
salus populi suprema lex esto
the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law
Catholic University of America
deus lux mea est
God is my light