Extra Flashcards
What is red cell hypoplasia?
Moderate anameia
What is leukoerythroblastic response?
Presence of immature RBCs and granulocytic precursosrs in the circulation
What is the diagnostic importance of MCH
It provides information about haemoglobin content and is expressed in fmol
What is diagnostic sensitivity?
It is the probability of obtaining a positve test result in an animal that has the disease
What is diagnostic specificity?
It is the probability obtaining a negative result in an animal that does not have the disease
Left shift occurs?
When the storage pool is depleted and there is demand for neutrophils, which is met by the release of immature neurtrophils or even metamyelocytes and earlier precursors from the maturation pool
Regenerative left shift occurs?
When increased band neutrophils, neutrophilia in which mature neutrophils exceed band neutrophils
What is macrocytic cell?
It is cell that is larger and has increased MCV
What is microcytic cell?
It is cell that is smaller and has decreased MCV
What is hypochromic cell?
It is cell that is pale and has increased central pallor
A major granulo-forming organ in cartaligous fish?
Epigonal organ
Major blood forming organ in cartilagous fish?
The spleen
Plasmin is needed for?
Cleavage of fibrin, resulting in breakup of the clot and creating fibrin degradation products (FDPs)
What are enhinocytes and what is their diagnostic importance?
They are spiculated cells with numerous short, blunt to sharp projections that are uniform in size and shape; renal failure, chemotherapy in dog, exercise in horse
Whatare acanthocytes and what is their diagnostic importance?
RBC with fewer in evenly distributed surface projections
Change these sentences into the right ones:
* Erythropoietin is low in secondary erythrocytosis
* In relative erythrocytosis are typical signs of hyperhydration
* Mild erythrocytosis may occur in association with hypothyroidism
- Erythropoietin is high in secondary erythrocytosis
- In relative erythrocytosis are typical signs of dehydration
- Mild erythrocytosis may occur in association with hyperthyroidism
Total blood volume in reptiles is?
Total blood volume of birds is?