Extinguishers & Faom Flashcards
How do you know the agent is a clean agent?
It’s approved by the EPA
What are three types water extinguishers?
Stored pressure
Water mist
What are dry chemical agents used for?
Class A B C
What are the different types of dry chemical extinguishers and handling units?
Multi purpose
Stored pressure
What are dry powder agents used for?
Class D
Halon agents were replaced by what?
Class A ratings rate from 1-A through 40-A what does that mean?
Amount of agent
2-A = 2 1/2 gallons
Class B rage from 1-B to 640- B
What does that mean?
1 square foot for each numerical rating for a non expert user
Class K ratings means the agents do what?
What approaching a fore using an extinguisher what do you remember?
Approach from the windward side
What is pass?
P- pull pin
A- aim nozzle
S- squeeze the handle
S- sweep
Is natural gas lighter than air?
What percent that makes it’s explosive?
Liquid petroleum ( propane) is it lighter than air?
It’s heavier
Boiling liquid expansion vapor explosion
Causes boom
Fire attack is initiated from what floor?
Floor below fire
Staging area for personal and equipment is what floor?
Two floors from fire