External Medicine Flashcards
boils on lip, nose, eye brow, forehead; small boils w/ pus, deep-hard root, or itching or numbness; then reddish, swollen, heat, pain
fever, aversion to cold, dry mouth, bitter taste
t: red w/ yellow coating
p: wiry-rapid
acute furuncle
toxic heat accumulation (first stage)
DU 12, DU 10, LI 4, BL 40
big boils, severe redness, swollen, heat, pain, leaking pus from boil
t: red w/ yellow-greasy coating
p: slippery-rapid
acute furuncle
excessive fire toxin (second stage)
DU 12, DU 10, LI 4, BL 40, DU 14, PC 3, BL 16
boils, acute lymphangitis going up to elbow, armpit, or groin area
high fever
t: crimson w/ yellow-greasy coating
p: thready-rapid
acute furuncle
fire toxin entering into nutritive and blood levels (last stage)
DU 12, DU 10, xi-cleft points, purging along red line on skin, moxa w/ garlic
erysipelas on face, red, swollen, burning pain, or blister (unable to open eyes if around eyes)
aversion to cold, fever, painful body, poor appetite, scanty urine, constipation
t: red w/ yellow coating
p: floating-rapid
wind-heat and toxic accumulation
LI 4, LI 11, BL 12, BL 40, GB 31, SJ 5, a-shi
LV-GB fire: erysipelas on body area, fresh red blisters
LV 14, LV 2, GB 43, GB 34
erysipelas on lower leg, red, swollen, burning pain, or large blisters, purplish spots, pus, or skin necrosis, recurrent attacks, chronic lymphangitis, fever
t: yellow-greasy coating
p: slippery-wiry-rapid
damp-heat and toxic accumulation
SP 10, SP 6, ST 44, SP 9, ST 40, ST 41, a-shi
new born baby, erysipelas around navel and legs, red, swollen, burning pain, traveling rapidly all over body
t: red w/ yellow-greasy coating
index finger vein: purplish-blackish
fetus fire and toxic accumulation
DU 14, LI 11, LI 4, SP 10, BL 40, Shi Xuan
swollen or enlarged thyroid gland, soft, painless, better when happy, worse w/ stress or anger
chest and hypochondriac distention, stuffiness, emotional fluctuations, poor appetite, epigastric stuffiness
t: thin greasy
p: wiry-slippery
qi and phlegm stagnation
RN 22, LI 4, ST 36, LV 3, SJ 13, a-shi
swollen or enlarged thyroid gland, painless
bad temper, 5-centre heat, palpitations, sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, dry eyes, hand tremors
yin xu w/ empty fire
LV 3, KD 3, SP 6, SJ 13, PC 5, a-shi
chronic swollen or enlarged thyroid gland, painless, severe swollen neck
fatigue, shortness of breath, chest oppression, rough breathing, tight throat, hoarseness
t: thin greasy
p: thready-wiry
qi-blood xu
RN 22, SP 10, LI 4, ST 36, SP 6, RN 17, a-shi
small bean-like nodules on neck, one or multiple, painless, w/o redness or burning, hard and smooth surface, movable by pushing
t: thin greasy
p: wiry-slippery
qi and phlegm stagnation (early stage, nodules)
GB 21, SJ 10, LV 14, ST 40, Zhou Jian, a-shi
bigger bean-like nodules on neck, sticking to skin, or a couple of nodules fused together, immovable by pushing, painful, skin colour changes to dark dull red before suppuration w/ mild burning, mild wave sensation when pushing
yin xu w/ empty fire (middle stage, abcess)
SJ 10, HT 3, SP 6, KD 3, Bai Lao, a-shi
leaking clear pus w/ flossy turbid substance from nodules, opening of nodule shows subcutaneous fistula, soft tissue colour is grey, white, purplish around opening; if pus becomes thick, soft tissue becomes red
qi-blood xu (late stage, pus leaking)
ST 36, SP 6, BL 43, RN 6, BL 17, Bai Lao
breast lump due to milk accumulation, no change or little change in skin colour, or mild redness, swelling, distending pain
aversion to cold, fever, headache, whole body soreness, thirst, poor appetite, constipation
t: yellow coating
p: rapid
acute mastitis
qi stagnation and heat accumulation (early stage)
LI 4, LV 3, ST 36, ST 18, RN 17, GB 21, SI 1, LI 11
burning pain of breast, swelling w/ redness, soft lump, can palpate pus inside
high fever, thirst, scanty yellow urine, constipation
t: red w/ yellow greasy coating
p: overflowing, rapid
acute mastitis
toxic heat accumulation (abscess stage)
ST 16, GB 21, ST 36, ST 40, LV 2, ST 44, DU 14
excretion of pus from breast, low fever, swelling and pain
w/ fatigue, pale face, poor appetite
if pus is clear and does not come out smoothly w/ swelling breast pain, means toxicity has gone to other meridians
t: pale w/ thin coating
p: weak
acute mastitis
deficient healthy qi w/ lingering toxicity (diabrosis stage)
ST 36, SP 6, RN 6, RN 17, BL 17, BL 20, BL 21, BL 43, ST 18, SI 11