External disorders of the eyes Flashcards
Rupture of blood vessels under conjunctiva
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage risk factors
- Blood thinners
- Bleeding disorders
- Severe HTN
Common causes of Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
- Esp. in the elderly (>80 yo)
- Due to systemic disease (ie HTN)
- <40 yo usually 2° ocular conditions
- Minor trauma most often
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage pathophysiology
* Blood vessels under the conjunctiva are
very small, very fragile
* Rupture easily (coughing, sneezing, vomiting, childbirth, trauma)
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage presentation - is it painful?
- No additional symptoms
- Rarely painful
- Sense of awareness of the eye
What is this
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
What is this?
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Epidemiology of conjunctivitis
- Infectious
- Bacterial – Most Common Causes
- Adults: S. Aureus most common
- Children: S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis
- Sexually Transmitted: Chlamydial
- Viral – typically adenovirus
- Non-infectious
- Allergic
- Non-Allergic – most common = dry eye
Most common eye disease
Conjunctivitis presentation
* Discharge with crusting
* Discomfort
* Often bilateral
Conjunctivitis exam findings
***Conjunctival injection
* Chemosis (swelling of conjunctiva)
* Discharge
* Foreign body sensation
* Photophobia
* Tearing
Chlamydial conjunctivitis presentation
- Chronic onset
- STD risk factors
- Itching
- Minimal pain
- Inclusion conjunctivitis
- Conjunctival discharge is minimal & seropurulent
Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EPC) is
Viral conjunctivitis
* Adenovirus infection – Most common worldwide
___ Can be confused with EPC without fluorescein staining
Allergic conjunctivitis presentation
“Hay fever”
* Acute or subacute onset
* No pain
* No history of known illness exposure
* Significant itching
* Clear, watery discharge
Conjunctivitis treatment
- Supportive care
- Artificial tears
- Cold, moist compress
- Handwashing
- Olopatadine(Pataday®) – Allergic Conjunctivitis
- Antibiotic drops – Bacterial Conjunctivitis
4 clinical factors found to be independently associated with a negative conjunctival culture result
- Age → 6 years or older
- Time → April through November
- Discharge → None or watery discharge
- Eye matting → No glued eye in the morning
Focal swelling of the eyelid
What is this called
Hard, painless lid nodule
Chalazion presentation
- Painless swelling
- Weeks to months
- May become painful or impair vision as it progresses
Acute focal infection meibomian glands
Hordeolum presentation
Focal abscess
* Acute inflammation
* Discomfort
* Warmth
* Swelling
Chalazion/Hordeolum treatment
- Self-limited with improvement in 1-2 weeks
- Eyelid hygiene
1 in 10,000 ophthalmic patients will have this
Inflammatory enlargement of the lacrimal gland