External and middle ear Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
“ وقال الله إني معكم لئن أقمتم الصلاة وآتيتم الزكاة وآمنتم برسلي وعزرتموهم وأقرضتم الله قرضا حسنا لأكفرن عنكم سيئاتكم ولأدخلنكم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها فمن كفر بعد ذلك منكم فقد ضل سواء السبيل “
*افتح راجع الصور من ال paint
Mention Nerve supply of external ear
Lateral surface
Great aurciualr
+ Auriclar of vagus fro chonca
Medial surface :
Lesser Occipital
Great Auricular
Mention blood supply and lympathic one of external ear
Blood supply :
Superficial temp + Post auricular arterties
Lymphatic drainage:
Preauriclar+ post. auricular
Parotid + cervical LNs
Ear muscles are supplied by?
Facial nerve
Auricularis ant .post
Auricularis supeiror
External auditorymeatus formed of ……. and ….. and ….in between
Cartilage + bone and Ismuth in between
Shape of external auditory meatus
S shaped course anterior then posterior then anterior inferior
How to examine ear with otoscope despite the irregullar path of external audiotry meatus
By pulling the auricle upward and backward to straigtens the external auditory meatus
Why children are liable to tympanic membrane perforation ?
This is due to Short straigt external audiotry meatus causing accidental perofrations
Why children are liable to tympanic membrane perforation ?
This is due to Short straigt external audiotry meatus causing accidental perofrations
as bones are poorly developed
How conductive hearing loss ocurrs ?
By sbeacous waxy glands in the skin lining the external auditory meatus blocking the path for sound waves to pass
Mention nerve supply of external audiorty meatus
ANterior : Auriclotemporal
posterior :Auricualr of Vagus *
Someone put cold water in his ear then he stated coughing and vomiting what is your explain ?
As the post part of external auditory meatus is supplied by Auricualr of Vagus that supply :
1- The bronchial tree
Cold water stimulate the nerve stimulating cougung and Vomiting reflexes
Explain arterial supply of external audiory meatus
As auricle : sup temporal + Post auricular
+deep auricular of maxillary artery
the external surface of tympanic membrane supplied as …..while the inretneal supplied as ,,,,?
External ear
Middle ear
The external tympanic formed from …..
while internal ……..
in between ?
External Ectoderm skin
Internal endoderm mucous membrane
Fibrous sheet in between
why internal tympanic is convex ?
As malleus is attached to it pulling it