External Anatomy of Brain- Diencephalon Flashcards
Composed of the thalamus and hypothalamus; thalamus is viewed only in saggital section
Ventral, superior to optic chiasma and infundibulum. Anterior to cerebral peduncles; posterior region comprised of mammillary body. Functions in autonomic nervous system and control, some emotions, basic body maintenance and biological rhythm
Mammillary body
Rounded prominence (paired in humans) posterior to optic chiasma. Functions as relay station for reflexes related to smell
Tube attaching pituitary gland to hypothalamus
Pituitary Gland
On ventral surface of brain; not a part of diencephalon, but connects to hypothalamus. Secretes hormones controlling many functions
Pineal Gland
Single, rounded structure, located dorsally, medial, and anterior to superior colliculi. Function is not well known and is not part of diencephalon.
Pull cerebellum downward to view.