Exterior/Interior Patterns Flashcards
- Invasion of __________?
- Struggle b/w ________ and _________?
FEVER and CHILL (aversion to ____ and ____) present simultaneously
- Invasion of external pathogen
- Struggle b/w Upright Qi and Evil (EPF)
- Fever and chills aversion to WIND/COLD
Fa Re
To feel hot to the touch, but does not necessarily indicate elevated body temperature; “heat effusion”; “fever”
Taiyang Wind Strike
Fever? Chills?
- Aversion to wind (kind of chill), slight feverishness, sweating
- exterior wind invasion with deficiency
- headache, stiff neck
PULSE: floating (exterior) and moderate (normal)
TONGUE: thin, white fur
Taiyang Cold Damage
Fever? Chills?
- More chills than fever, no sweating
- exterior wind-cold excess
- headache, body aches, wheezing
TONGUE: thin white coating
PULSE: floating and tight
Exterior-wind-heat attaching the Defensive level (Exterior wind-heat invasion)
Fever? Chills?
- More fever than chills
- fever, slight aversion to wind or slight chills, slight or no sweating, dry mouth, slight thirst, headache, general body ache (heat affects body fluids), sore throat
TONGUE: red tip with thin white coat
PULSE: floating and rapid (heat)
- External pathogen has moved from the exterior and entered into the interior of the body
OR - Endogenous cold or heat from excess or deficiency is present in the interior
*Here there is typically no mingling hot and cold sensations simultaneously – one or the other is present
HIGH fever or feeling hot
Interior Heat Pattern– Interior heat excess
- high fever, red complexion, thirst with desire to drink cold water, profuse sweating
TONGUE: red body, thick, dry, yellow coat
PULSE: surging (excess) and rapid
Low Grade Fever
Interior Heat Pattern – Yin deficiency patterns (deficient heat)
- feeling hot mostly at night or in flushes, red cheeks, thirst with only slight desire to drink and a preference for cold water, night sweating, five-palm heat
TONGUE: red body, little or no coat
PULSE: thin, weak, rapid
Name the 3 causes of Tidal Fever
What is tidal fever?
- Yangming Fu (St, LI) disease
- Damp Heat Patterns
- Yin Deficiency Patterns
Tidal Fever - a fever that gets worse or occurs only at certain times
Yangming Fu disease (tidal fever)
Interior Heat Pattern
- high fever that gets worse between 3-5 pm, constipation with dry stool, abdominal fullness and distention, scant yellow urine
TONGUE: red body, dry yellow coat
PULSE: rapid, forceful
Damp Heat Patterns (tidal fever)
Interior Heat Pattern - fever that gets worse in the afternoon (not as high as Yangming fever) and that does not abate with sweating - clammy, heaviness of head and body TONGUE: red body, greasy yellow coat PULSE: rapid, slippery (damp)
Yin Xu Patterns (tidal fever)
Interior Heat Pattern
- low grade “fever” that gets worse in afternoon or evening, steaming bone (sensation of heat in the bones), 5-Palm heat, malar flush, night sweats, emaciation dry mouth and throat
TONGUE: thin and red body with little to no coating
PULSE: thin (yin Xu), rapid, [weak: added in class]
Yang Deficiency (deficiency cold) Interior Cold Pattern
- aversion to cold, cold body and limbs, spontaneous sweats, other yang deficiency symptoms
- chronic diseases
TONGUE: pale, wet
PULSE: deep (interior), slow (cold), weak (Xu)
Interior Cold Excess
Interior Cold Pattern
- exogenous cold which has moved to interior
- strong aversion to cold, absence of thirst, cold and painful abdomen, cold and pain in local areas
PULSE: deep (interior), slow (cold), tight (excess cold), forceful (excess)
Shaoyang Disease
- Alternating chills and fever****
- exogenous cold which is half in the exterior and half in the interior and transforming to heat
- alternating chills and fever, bitter taste, dry mouth, dizziness, blurry vision, fullness and oppression in the costal and hypochondriacal regions, poor appetite (wood overacting on earth), mental restlessness, nausea or vomiting
PULSE: wiry
[constrained Shaoyang Fire (ministerial fire), transforms to pathological heat
Key points when inquiring about SWEAT (5)
- presence or absence
- location
- nature
- time
- quantity
SWEAT and Exterior Patterns
No sweat (1) Sweat (2)
No sweat
- Taiyang Cold Damage (ext wind-cold excess)
- no sweat, chills more than fever, still and painful nape and neck, headache, floating and tight pulse
- Taiyang wind-strike
- sweating, aversion to wind, slight feverishness, floating and moderate pulse
- Exterior Wind-Heat Invasion
- sweating, fever more than chills, headache, sore throat, floating and rapid pulse