Extensors of the wrist and digits Flashcards
Origin of Flexor carpi radialis?
Medial epicondyle
Insertion of flexor carpi radialis?
Dorsal surface of the base of metacarpal II
Action of flexor carpi radialis?
Extends and abducts the wrist
Origin Extensor carpi radialis Brevis?
Lateral epicondyle
Insertion of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Dorsal surface of metacarpal II and III
Action of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Extends and abducts the wrist
Origin of extensor digitorum?
Lateral epicondyle and deep fascia
Insertion of extensor digitorum?
4 tendons insert via extensor hoods into bases of dorsal aspects of middle and distal phalanges of 2-5 (tendons under the retinaculum)
Action of extensor digitorum?
Extends digits 2-5 and extends wrist
Innervation of extensor digitorum, specifically?
Posterior interosseous branch of radial nerve (C7)
origin of Extensor digiti minimi?
lateral epicondyle
Insertion of extensor digiti minimi?
Extensor hood of the 5th digit
Innervation of the extensore digiti minimi specifically?
Posterior interosseous nerve of radial
Origin of Extensor carpi ulnaris?
Lateral epicondyle and posterior border of ulna
Insertion of extensor carpi radialis?
Tubercle on base of medial side of digit 5!
Origin of anconeus?
Lateral epicondyle
Insertion of anconeus?
olecranon and proximal posterior surface of the ulna
Action of anconeus?
Accessory extensor of the elbow, abduction of the ulna in pronation