Extensor Tendons Flashcards
What are the 3 extensor tendons affecting motion of the hand and wrist?
- extensor digitorum communis (EDC)
- extensor indicis proprius (EIP)
- extensor digiti minimi (EDM)
*the tendons cross the wrist dorsally under the extensor retinaculum, separating into 8 compartments to prevent bowstringing; saggital bands center the extensor tendons over the MCP joint

What are the extensor tendon zones of Digit I (the thumb)?
- Zone I: falls over the interphalangeal (IP) joint
- Zone II: falls over the proximal phalanx
- Zone III: falls over the MCP joint
- Zone IV: falls over the first metacarpal
- Zone V: falls over the wrist
What are the extensor tendon zones of Digits II - V?
- Zone I: distal interphalangeal joint (DIP)
- Zone II: middle phalanx
- Zone III: proximal interphalangeal joint
- Zone IV: proximal phalanx
- Zone V: metacarpal phalangeal joint
- Zone VI: metacarpalphanageal joint
- Zone VII: carpal bones and wrist
After surgical repair, exercises promote ___ and prevent ___.
- promote tendon excursion
- prevent adhesions
Use of modalities begins once cleared by the prescribing physician. The modality of _____ gradually prepares the tissue for motion while the modality of _____ promotes tendon excursion and activation.
- heat gradually prepares the tissue for motion
- NMES promotes tendon excursion and activation
Tendon glides are used to promote ___ and prevent ___ after surgical repair.
- promote excursion
- prevent adhesions
After what period of time is strengthening initiated after surgical repair?
-strengthening is usually not initiated until the late phase of the repair, around 8-12 weeks after surgery
Additional interventions recommended after surgical repair include ___ and ___.
- home exercise program