Extensor Forearm Lecture Flashcards
How do you distinguish between the dorsal and palmar parts of the hand?
The hook of the hammate, tubercle of the trapezium, and pisiform are all distinctive on the palmar side.
What carpal makes up the majority of the wrist joint?
What are the superficial extensors of the forearm?
Brachioradialis (flexor at elbow), Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Digiti Minimi, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
What are the deep extensors of the forearm?
Supinator, Abductor Pollicis Longus, Extensor Pollicis longus, Extensor Pollicis Brevis, Extensor Indicies
What are the superficial Flexors of the forearm?
Pronator Teres (Pronation), Flexor Carpi Radialis, Flexor Palmaris, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
What are the deep flexors of the forearm?
Flexor Digitorum Profundus, Flexor Pollicis longus, Pronator quatratus
What membrane separates anterior and posterior compartments of the forearm?
Interosseous membrane, intermuscular septum
What nerves are involved in supination?
Musculocutaneous (Biceps), Deep radial (Supinator)
What happens between the radius, ulna, and interosseous membrane when you fall on an outstretched hand?
Most of the intitial force goes to radius and into the interosseous membrane and transferred to the ulna and into elbow
When is the brachioradialis effective?
When the elbow is already semi-flexed
What muscle counter the flexion of flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis?
Extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
What would happen if some of the extensors were not countered by flexors or vise-versa?
Movement of the wrist would be choppy
What counters the adduction caused by flexion of FCU and ECU?
Muscles that act on the thumb run the course of what bone?
What is a possible point of compression for the radial n. in the forearm?
At the suppinator, It becomes the deep radial n. at the lateral border of the cubital fossa then passes through the supinator to become the interosseous n.
What structures create the boundaries for the anatomical snuff box?
Extensor pollicis longus (dorsal), extensor pollicis brevis (palmar), Extensor retinaculum
What nerve and artery are in the antatomical snuff box?
Radial n., (radial a.) Dorsal carpal arch of radial artery
What is the major concern with a scaphoid fracture?
Avascular necrosis
What artery runs along the interosseous membrane?
Posterior interosseous a.
What nerve supplies the pinky and half of the ring finger?
What nerve supplies the first three digits on the palmer side of the hand and the nail beds on the posterior side of the same digits?
What nerve supplies the dorsal side of the hand for the first 3.5 digits?
Superficial Radial