EXS Lab Practical Flashcards
sites for skinfold procedures
suprailiac (hip)
skinfold: abdomen
vertical fold
2 cm to the right side of the belly button
skinfold: tricep
vertical fold
posterior midline, halfway between acromion and olecranon processes
skinfold: chest
diagonal fold
one half of the distance between armpit line and nipple (men)
1/3 of the distance between anterior armpit line and the nipple (women)
skinfold: midaxillary
vertical fold
midaxillary line at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum
skinfold: subscapular
diagonal fold (45 degree angle) 2 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula
skinfold: suprailiac
diagonal fold
in line with the natural angle of the iliac crest (top of the hip) taken in the anterior axillary line immediately superior to the iliac crest
skinfold: thigh
vertical fold
the anterior midline of the thigh, midway between the proximal border of the patella and the inguinal crease (hip)
time for YMCA cycle ergometer test
3 minutes for each stage
at 2 min - check blood pressure
at 2:45 ask for RPE
at 2:30 - check heart rate
at 3 - check heart rate and adjust resistance accordingly
stage 1 of cycle ergometer test
0.5 kg
stage 2 of cycle ergometer test
HR < 80 bpm = 2.5
HR 80 - 90 bpm = 2.0 kg
HR 90 - 100 bpm = 1.5 kg
HR > 100 bpm = 1.0 kg
stage 3 of cycle ergometer test
HR < 80 bpm = 3.0
HR 80 - 90 bpm = 2.5 kg
HR 90 - 100 bpm = 2.0 kg
HR > 100 bpm = 1.5 kg
stage 4 of cycle ergometer test
HR < 80 bpm = 3.5 kg
HR 80 - 90 bpm = 3.0 kg
HR 90 - 100 bpm = 2.5 kg
HR > 100 bpm = 2.0 kg
steady state HR
within 6 beats of each other
15.1 - 16.8
17.6 - 19.8
20.6 - 23.4
24.2 - 28.2