Expressions Flashcards
általában, rendszerint
as a rule
I go to bed quite early as a rule, but on holidays I stay up late.
iszonyúan boldog
to be over the moon
I was over the moon when Hungary won gold in fencing.
követi vki gondolatmenetét
to be with sb
This is a bit complicated. Are you with me so far?
meghallja, megérti, amit vki mond
to catch what sb says
I didn’t quite catch what you said. Would you please repeat it?
helyesbítsd, ha tévednék
correct me if I’m wrong
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t those statistics a bit outdated?
egy vagyonba kerül
to cost an arm and a leg
My new bicycle cost me an arm and a leg, but it’s really fast and comfortable.
nap nap után, reggeltől estig
day in, day out
It is not good for your health to do nothing but study day in, day out.
részleteket ad, beszámol valamiről
to fill sb in on/about sth
Volunteering in an animal sanctuary sounds really interesting. Could you fill me in in that?
jelenleg (ideiglenesen)
for the time being
My computer doesn’t work, so for the time being I have to use my sister’s for my homework.
felizgatja magát
to get oneself worked up
It is no use getting yourself workes up about problems.
részletekbe bocsátkozik
to go into details
Tehere’s no time to go into details, but the main point is that there has been an overall increase in exports.
ezüsttálcán kínál vmit vkinek
to hand sb sth on a plate
I think you have to work hard to do well in life since success is not handed to you on a plate.
sok elfoglaltsága van
to have a lot on one’s plate
I’m sorry I can’t help you. I’ve had a lot on my plate these days.
ötletei, elképzelései, gondolatai vannak vmiről
to have thoughts on sth
Reducing emission levels is quite tricky. Do you have any thoughts on it?
in detail
I don’t quite understand. Could you explain it in more detail?
hosszú távon
in the long run
In my opinion, working hard pays off in the long run.
a lényeg az, hogy
it (all) comes down to
It comes down to providing non-pollutant fuel without using edible crops.
a te döntésed
it’s your call
Tomorrow we’ll go to the zoo or the funfair. It’s your call.
közbeszól a beszélgetésbe
to jump in the conversation
You made a very interesting point there. Do you mind if I jump in the conversation?
elhamarkodott következtetéseket von le
to jump to conclusion
I may be jumoing to conclusions, but I think you must have learned English in Scotland.
jó érvet hoz fel
to make a point
You made a very interesting point about the use of air-conditioning.
nagyon boldoggá tesz vkit
make one’s day
It really made my day when I found out I had passed the language exam.
nem agysebészet (nem nehéz/bonyolult)
not rocket science
I’m sure you can do the laundry yourself. It’s not rocket science.
off the top of my head
I can’t remember the exact figures off the top of my head, but I think half the forests of the Earth have been cut down or burned.
nagyon közel
on one’s/the doorstep
I love living in my suburb. Transport is great and there’s a forest right on my doorstep.
on the contrary
In my opinion, pollution will not decrease in the near future. On the contrary, it will increase dramatically.
a nyelve hegyén van
on the tip of one’s tongue
The name of the actor is on the tip of one’s tongue, just hold on and I’ll remember.
érvek és ellenérvek
pros and cons
I try to sum up the most important pros and cons of living in the suburbs.
a dolog lényege/bökkenője
the crux of the matter
The crux of the matter is that they could not prove that he was cheating.
vég nélkül
till the cows come home
I just love playing football with my friends. I could do it till the cows come home.
ugyanúgy, szintén
as well